Less crowded areas in August

  • Thread starter impossibledreamer
  • Start date


Looking to buy
We're planning to fly to Sweden (from Germany) in the second half of August and rent an Ocean. We've become a little nervous about the mosquito situation (my husband has bad reactions) and am now wondering if we should hold off until we get our Beach next year and can outfit it with our own netting. And maybe plan the trip in the early spring or closer to autumn.

However, we chose Sweden because we didn't think it would be as crowded as other areas, so now I'm wondering what could be an alternative. We're pretty quiet campers and don't really like crowds. We can't change our travel dates because this is the only window my husband has at work. Our rental company has a location in Venice and Rome so we thought of maybe flying there and driving to Croatia or Southern Italy, but I assume that will still be pretty crowded at that time period.

Can anyone speak to traveling around Europe at the end of August? We'd still like to fly somewhere because once we have our own van, it will be easy to camp around Germany, Switzerland, France, and other surrounding countries. So we're looking for something less accessible from central Germany.
Sweden would be quieter than all the othe places you mentioned. August is obviously still prime holiday season. Mosquito situation would be similar i presume across mainland Europe.
I would go with the original plan if you can't cancel the booking completely. You could make a temporary mozzie screen yourself with some cheap flyscreen material.
When you have your own you will be able to plan your trips off peak when there are less tourists and mozzies.
Just stick to your original plan. There may be a 100 reasons to not go but the one reason to go is always the best one. Freedom.
Sweden would be quieter than all the othe places you mentioned. August is obviously still prime holiday season. Mosquito situation would be similar i presume across mainland Europe.
I would go with the original plan if you can't cancel the booking completely. You could make a temporary mozzie screen yourself with some cheap flyscreen material.
When you have your own you will be able to plan your trips off peak when there are less tourists and mozzies.
We planned Sweden because we thought it would be quieter, but since my husband is sensitive to mosquito bites, we're feeling a bit nervous. But maybe you are right. I can get some cheap fly screen on Amazon and it wouldn't take up much room in the luggage. I've also seen those hats that cover your face. Maybe I can find something to cover us when we're sleeping.
I too have allergic reactions to Mosquito bites- I would suggest packing extra of whatever medicine he takes to ensure that if bites occur that he is prepared to treat. Plus of course pack or buy when you arrive repellent, repellent candles, etc.
I think making your own netting is good idea as well. They also make mosquito netting for sleeping bags- I have used when tent camping- not sure if you could modify for the campervan. I was also reading another thread on this site about portable, rechargeable mosquito killer lantern- I saw several different ones on Amazon- I have not used, but from the reviews we are going to purchase.
Just ordered one of these for my three weeks in France (camping near lakes - three locations)

the supplier in the photo was the cheapest including delivery I could find as I ordered something else to take the order over £40

Over the years I have tried everything in many many different countries Absolutely nothing works. From spray repellents to creams to fly nets and ultrasonic mozzie zappers. I just accept I am going to get bitten so just minimise the inevitable. I find a supply of antihistamines a good idea.
Mozzies get me too. There seem to be very few in the forest site next to the dunes in Les Landes, where we visit every August. But we encounter plenty elsewhere. Inside the van, at night, we use plug-in Jungle Formula in the 230v socket behind the passenger seat. One bottle lasts several weeks. No human toxicity, very effective. I’ve never been bitten at night in the van when using it. Never needed the nets.
Another one worth considering is Odomos Mosquito Repellent Cream (the regular one not the citronella version). We first used it in India, where it is very inexpensive. In the UK it's available from Amazon at a reasonable price. It has been our first choice anti-mozzie skin protection for years, although I'm not sure it has a UK licence. In our experience it is highly effective against mosquitos, but much more pleasant to use than DEET and effective for a similar length of time. It is less effective against other biters. I understand that a small proportion of people react against it, but our experience has been entirely good.

In August the South of Europe tends to be a lot busier with holiday goers than the North. August is the local holiday season there, were July is that for the North, roughly.
We have been to Scandinavia many times, last year for 90 days in July, August and September, through Sweden, Finland and Norway. My wife has such an allergy that we carry epi-pens with adrenaline, but we never had any extreme issues with mozzies, there.
Just go! You'll love it!

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