LHD/RHD Headlamps



T5 SE 174
I am new and I am sure this is a well worn issue. Buying an LHD T5 California shortly. I can choose whether I want LHD or RHD headlamps. In the past I have had old cars in which you just adjusted the beams depending on the side of the road you are going to be driving on, (flick of a switch) but now, just randomly surfing, I can't get a definitive answer for this vehicle. I plan UK and EU driving, haven't decided where the van will reside mostly: do I need two sets of headlamp clusters and if so, how pricey? And, how limiting are the diverter stickers? I used them on a trip to Spain in my car lately and didn't have any trouble with them although, to be fair, I didn't do much night driving or in the rain. Thanks RMAXIBIZA
Depends where it will be registered. I have been looking into this (see other topic on buying from Germany) and the up to date advice from Andy at CV4U is that to register it in the UK it will legally need RHD headlamps, a MPH speedo (over stickers are not allowed) and a UK offside foglamp. You will need paper invoices to prove this from a professional garage to send with the registration papers to the DVLA. Plenty of aftermarket or lights from breakers on eBay - much lower than VW dealers of course and easily available in RHD.
Thanks. Sorry, perhaps I am not making myself clear. I understand about registration and what would be needed to legalise in UK: the seller will do all of that in the price. (This will be a one year old vehicle, probably.) No, simply, does one have to have separate LHD and RHD head lamps or can they be adjusted from one side to another? I think you are saying I would need two sets of front clusters. Otherwise, I am informed by the seller that the rear fogs and reversing lamps are double, i.e. one each at either side so no need for rear cluster changes, is that incorrect. Best, RM
But it's important and if you plan to import it and register it on UK plates then it MUST have RHD lamps etc and will need to go through a complicated DVLA process. Fog will only be on one side from factory but is a simple wiring swap. If you buy an EU LHD spec AND you wish to register it in the UK then you will incur the cost of a dash out speedo change and lamps etc.

If you have EU residency then easier to keep it all LHD, register it in Ibiza and then just apply lamp converter stickers, £2 on eBay for UK visits.
Thanks very much for your words. To put your mind at rest, I have experience in the import and export side. In this case, the seller looks after it all, technical and legal.

All I am asking is can the head lamps be internally adjusted from Left to Right and back again as required? I think you are implying no.

Thanks again.
Hola Maxibiza,

I've just got a brand new Cali in Spain and, to be able to register it in UK, I had to replace the headligths for RHD ones (The Spanish dealer didn'tallow to order with RHD ones).

That's mandatory to pass the registration requisites. When I travel abroad I mount the headlight protector which have the stickers.
Gracias Estresao.

Claro, finalmente.

Hmmn. headlight protector, where do I find them?

In any UK VW dealer. It includes the stickers to drive abroad.

Question: When you say the seller look after it all.... You mean a Spaniard VW dealer seller? You mean they will be in charge of all the paperwork in UK?
No a UK importer. A friend has just used them, perfect service.
How much do they charge?
Interesting.... Based in your nick I'm assuming you're Spaniard, you never thought in do it by yourself?

I did and it's very straightforward speaking Spanish
No I am Scots and I split my time between here and Ibiza. I am too busy and lucky enough to be able to afford someone else to do this for me: this company (LHD Supermarket) does (according to the experience of a good pal) a pain free-service.

When I was looking idly at their site for something rather more sporting, I found the cars overpriced. But curiously these vans are roughly equivalent to buying second hand (RHD) in the UK, except there is much more almost new choice with what appears to be good provenance. There's a leap of faith buying online, but I've done it before so it doesn't faze me. Nevertheless, I am guessing, were I to go to Germany I'd find they are much much cheaper than UK.

However, it's LHD I want. I am happy driving LHD in UK but less so with RHD in EU. Next year I semi retire and this is a compromise I am making with my partner, who cannot fly too far and is rightly fed up with all our holidays being in my paradise. If you want any more info rmaxibiza@+++++++.com.
OK, that's case is more convenient for you get some help.

When I bought mine one, before I browsed a little in UK VW dealers to buy an approved used one, not old, but surprisingly it cost (a Caravelle one) roughly the same than a Cali Beach in Spain (before the current currency parity). Because I'm Spaniard I started to ask to Spanish dealers for quotations until I've got a very good price (and a official dealer willing to sell me the Cali with no taxes, which is supposed what they have to do legally).

Things came better because during the 6 waiting months between the time you place the order and when you take deliver, the currency parity went event better, so at the end I've got a very good deal.

As you say, driving a LHD in UK is not a problem at all. I've used to do with my Passat, but with my Cali it's even better because it's higher that most of the cars on the road. The only silly thing is when you're entering in a parking lot and have to crass the whole vehicle to take the parking ticket :D

BTW: I'm envy you, Ibiza it's a veeery beautiful place.
Muy bueno espero que se diviertan con ella y las arreglas para ir a las tierras altas de Escocia.

Google translate, I am afraid.

There is no means of adjusting standard lights at a flick of a lever so it's either change the headlights every time or run with the headlight masking. I have these on some headlight covers so I can quickly put them on or take off but frankly I'm not convinced they actually do a job or work but it looks like I tried.
The only other option sems to go for the expensive lights that can be programed to give a flat beam with no kick-up meaning they need no adjustment for left or right hand drive.
Fortunately I do very little night driving so no need to worry or get involved in silly money.
Thanks that's all I was needing to know when I started this post off but I've been diverted into a couple of nice confabs. Interested in the flatbeams, never heard of that before. Appreciate your dry humour.
The flat beam headlights are the Zenons supplied on the California as an expensive accessory. So if the LHD California has Zenon headlights then they can be set flat by the dealer and that's it. No need to change if driving in UK or E U.:thumb
The flat beam headlights are the Zenons supplied on the California as an expensive accessory. So if the LHD California has Zenon headlights then they can be set flat by the dealer and that's it. No need to change if driving in UK or E U.:thumb

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