Limp mode - help!



Guest User
Hi folks, I'd like to tap your collective wisdom. I'm summary today, Oct 2010 van suddenly shudders (at c60 Mph) and goes into limp mode. Fuel was low, so tanked but no change. All was fine before. All correctly serviced etc. But now will only do 25-30 mph. Limped to where we are staying and will call VW assistance in the morning. Is this something simple, or am I liable for an extreme pain in the wallet dept (egr valve?!). Van has only done 28k miles. Thanks in advance for your wisdom/sympathy!
My guess is the egr valve quite common on 2010 vans.
Yes I had two replacements prior to my severe engine issues (see other thread) yours a 140 or 180BHP....?
Which warning light came up on the dash? Have you tried starting the ignition again since you stopped? It can sometimes clear itself.

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140. Stopped and restarted. Still showing. Will ring VW assist tomorrow.
That's good news for you then...easy fix re a 140.....
I would try for some goodwill it is a known problem. They can only say no
If you were low on fuel it could be some muck in the fuel filter. Even though you have only done 28,000 miles you have had fuel in the tank for the past 5 years and it is not unknown for sediment produced by the Diesel Bug to block filters etc. You're in the prime situation for this problem with diesel standing around for extended periods of time absorbing water from the atmosphere, unlike a daily driver.

Diagnostic codes should reveal the problem.
Just a thought. Have you checked to see if the pipe coming from the intercooler to the egr has detached.
I had this happen to me on a 1.9 tdi on a Seat Alhambra and it went into limp mode and scared the life out of me.
Not sure if your pipe will have a spring clip that locks the pipe in place behind 2 metal lugs.
If the clip hasn't been put on correctly it can slip off and the pipe pops off.
Easy to check before doing anything else ?
Looks like it may be the camshaft sensor. Fault code P0322. Recovery to a garage tomorrow.
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We had an issue with foxes eating a sensor on the bottom of the Cali in the drive. Fitted a piece of the Adblue piping to protect from their munching. Also spraying drive with Jeyes Fluid which the foxes don't like.
All fixed now. Sensor replaced, but fault was the EGR (Exhaust Gas Recycling) unit. Apparently these are a known weak point. Shout out to NG Motors in Cardiff - a VW after market specialist. Very helpful and reasonable.

Picture of offending item attached.

Thanks for all your help.


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