Locking problem on GC 600



Grand California 600
I just rented a GC 600 for two months of touring. We had an issue; occasionally, and unpredictably, if the doors were all locked and we left the van by the side door (typically first thing in the morning) it would lock behind us. This happened the first morning so we were careful to unlock all the doors and take the key with us after that. Then, after a month, the door slid shut behind us one morning and we were locked out with the key on the table. Is this a design feature or a bug?! We broke in through a skylight and we are debating with the rental company who should pay for the damage.
P.S. the first time it happened, one of us was still inside.
Did you unlock the van using the button on the C-pillar before you left or did you just exit the locked van via the sliding door?
I just rented a GC 600 for two months of touring. We had an issue; occasionally, and unpredictably, if the doors were all locked and we left the van by the side door (typically first thing in the morning) it would lock behind us. This happened the first morning so we were careful to unlock all the doors and take the key with us after that. Then, after a month, the door slid shut behind us one morning and we were locked out with the key on the table. Is this a design feature or a bug?! We broke in through a skylight and we are debating with the rental company who should pay for the damage.
If you had all doors locked from the inside, then opened the sliding door to exit without unlocking the central locking first, then the sliding door will lock again when you shut it.
Did you unlock the van using the button on the C-pillar before you left or did you just exit the locked van via the sliding door?
Just exited without central unlocking.
If you had all doors locked from the inside, then opened the sliding door to exit without unlocking the central locking first, then the sliding door will lock again when you shut it.
Well, at least 19 times out of 20 that's not what happened -- the sliding door if opened from the inside remained unlocked. That was also the case for the front doors, and in my experience, it's the normal case on any vehicle, or people would lock themselves out by the thousands
Just exited without central unlocking.
Normally we unlocked with the key. Incidentally, the button on the C-pillar only worked sometimes. Ditto the central locking button on the driver's door. The key always worked.
If you lock with the c-pillar all doors lock, if. you unlock with the c-plillar only the sliding door and rear doors unlock,, thats my experience and it is in the manual. The auto re-locking if opened without unlocking by fob or button is not stated anywhere I can find but I’ve experienced it on the GC and in our old Cali Ocean, in both cases someone was still in the van so not a problem but I always now unlock with the button or fob and if we are both out of the van I always have the key with me.or somewhere outside the van before I close all. the doors.Just for completeness if you didn’t already know the WeConnect app can unlock the van, if you have your phone on you!

VW California Club
