Loose rear headlining



VIP Member
Grand California 680
Hi all, the rear headlining of our 680 from the aircon unit forward seems loose from the van roof. Pushing it back up to the roof I can tell there is is something sticky there, probably velcro like they use at the front / rear panel join, but if it is velcro, it has come away from the head lining.
I will have a go with a hairdryer, to warm that area up to re-energise the glue to see if it will stick back up again. You don't notice it loose, it's only when you touch it.

My question is, has anyone had the same, and put it into the dealers to fix under warrantee and how did they do it? Just worried how it might come back once they've "had a go at it"!
Had it in the dealers today, they are going to have a look at it, so will see what they do.
The guy I spoke to though he might be able to access via the aircon unit by taking the outer trim off. we will see!

VW California Club
