Luxury bathroom trailer



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Royal Borough of Greenwich
T6 Beach 150
Has anyone seen a prototype of one of these. It may be the perfect solution for camping (if permitted) this summer.

Click the picture to visit the Vanlifer web site.
As i said yesterday saw these on a campsite in northern France about 30yrs ago along with a laundry trailer complete with w/m & t/d
What I have discovered about this bathroom trailer is that it doesn't seem to be in production as yet but I could be wrong, I have sent the company an email asking about their product but not received anything back as yet.
Surely a luxury Caravan attached to a decent car would be the way to go?
You are perfectly right! Strange how we are sometimes lured into compromises that on reflection are completely illogical and there are already better solutions out there
How many others can people think of?
Uh, is that a hijack? Apologies
You are perfectly right! Strange how we are sometimes lured into compromises that on reflection are completely illogical and there are already better solutions out there
How many others can people think of?
Uh, is that a hijack? Apologies
A hijack would be to explain my current toilet and shower facilities now our drainage is being renovated for 3 weeks, CV19 worries would be on level 11 for some folks here with the shared porta block we have to use now, for our street / gård.

But back on topic, this probably has a home for some extreme glamping or if you're going to be in situ for a long period, base camp in Bedouin if you're watching the Tour de France Ventoux etape.
Some of what appears on that website are only concepts being floated. Their stuff about a Tesla Camper for example is clearly just fanciful at this stage.
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What I have discovered about this bathroom trailer is that it doesn't seem to be in production as yet but I could be wrong, I have sent the company an email asking about their product but not received anything back as yet.

I read some comments somewhere on that website where people were enquiring and the reply was basically "no prices yet".... so I think it is at a concept to production stage.
Has anyone seen a prototype of one of these. It may be the perfect solution for camping (if permitted) this summer.

Click the picture to visit the Vanlifer web site.
Does it have a shower with hot water facilities as well. If it's a proper full on mobile bathroom then It could catch on. If not you could save a fortune by having a Thetford 335, a collapsible bowl and a bar of soap. Also more work required on the privacy aspect. Even this one's better :thumb

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Pairs well with a T3 @Borris
A T3/ Turdis combo. Nice.
It's much bigger on the inside I'm told.

Back on thread. A mobile bathroom trailer back in normal times would have sounded like a daft idea. How times have changed! Now it may become a popular, if not expensive, self isolating accessory. I can't imagine hiring would appeal so for those with deep pockets and somewhere to park it may become a goer. (Meaning - A good seller not somewhere to go).
Is it time to convert the horse box?
Ah, the little drink with a big kick ( if you don't remember it was a sweet cream sherry, not for me). I was being serious though.
I would think it would make a good base vehicle for a bathroom conversion. Wouldn't it be rather on the heavy side though. Incidentally, I saw an article recently detailing how it's becoming popular to convert motorised horse boxes into motor homes. So why not a horse box into a luxury bathroom.

Please excuse my vulgar reference to rhyming slang.
Cockney would be £25...….
We’re sorted with this problem. Bought this in February second hand. It gives us every option. Only had three nights in it so far though for obvious reasons...

Has anyone seen a prototype of one of these. It may be the perfect solution for camping (if permitted) this summer.

Click the picture to visit the Vanlifer web site.
Just buy an Eriba... Once one is towing anything decent might as well buy the Eriba Triton, it has all they mention, plus one gets the fixed bed and loads of nice storage, the width is almost the same as a Cali and it follows very easily. Probably cheaper too as well as being easy to resale. An aspect my wife and I like is we have two living areas, so as i like to go to bed later I can watch a film in the cali lounge. There though loads of other positives. Even a little freezer! IMG_20200606_172044.jpg
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VW California Club
