Midge screens



VIP Member
T6 Beach 150
Just ordered two Jerba midge screens for our T6 beach. What midge Screens do others recommend for side door and hatch? Reimo and Brandrup are two that come up regularly and various others on eBay.
Just ordered two Jerba midge screens for our T6 beach. What midge Screens do others recommend for side door and hatch? Reimo and Brandrup are two that come up regularly and various others on eBay.
I use some midge netting held in place with magnets outside. Packs down small and hardly cost anything. Also lined pop top fly netting with midge net, vents too
Same as Steeble. Midge netting + magnets. Tiny space requirement, no big bag, and very low cost.
This company make good kit, also offer two mesh sizes depending on what size critters are attacking you:

This company make good kit, also offer two mesh sizes depending on what size critters are attacking you:

Good kit may well be but at a huge cost. Each to their own.
Rather than create a new thread, some recent Highland experience here; I sprayed both sides of the standard VW sliding window flyscreens with permethrin (the Life Systems one I think) and this seems to stop the midges completely. When on Arran, the midges were pretty savage but it was very warm - sliding windows fully open with the treated flyscreens in place and we got one midge in (and I'm certain that came in with one of us through the door!). Because it's the "fly" screen (not a midge screen) it allows a good airflow still.

Not sure how well it'd deal with a midsummer midge cyclone, but there were enough midges outside for a dozen or so to land on you within a few minutes - not as extreme as I've known it (i.e. not clouds of them) but it still seemed to keep them out.
Drenched ours in Deet, which did nothing. So good to know
Yes DEET is nasty stuff but it’s a repellent not an insecticide. Permethrin is an insecticide and is safe on plastics/clothes (generally fairly safe actually).
What about making the upper deck also midget proof? Midgets are getting easy through the standard netting....as experienced in Denmark (called knutjes but the same as midgets in Scotland)
What about making the upper deck also midget proof? Midgets are getting easy through the standard netting....as experienced in Denmark (called knutjes but the same as midgets in Scotland)
I've done that. Added midge netting to inside of vents using double sided tape. Has worked a treat but a bit fiddly to fit
I also sprayed the upper nets with permethrin and it seems to have worked there too. It's early days, but seems to be effective so far.
I've done that. Added midge netting to inside of vents using double sided tape. Has worked a treat but a bit fiddly to fit
Hi, couldn’t possibly post a picture if you get a chance? We added midge mesh to the supplied screens and sprayed with permethrin, have yet to test in anger.

Been wondering about the bellows vents.

Permethrin on proper midge netting is overkill (no pun intended)! I favoured using permethrin on the original netting as the first attempt as I wanted the airflow. I do have a length of proper midge netting if it fails though . . . .
Are there proper storage bags for the screens that come with the Cali?
Are there proper storage bags for the screens that come with the Cali?
Haven't seen any so far. Most people store them under the matress (boot (most logical) or upstairs).
I believe a well kown member here mentioned once he just leaves them in the window when the window is closed. I do this too on site, but have never tried driving with the screens in place.
The OEM fly screens don't allow you to fully shut the windows with them fitted? Yes I store them under the mattress on the "bed board" at the back. Never had a problem, just make sure the lip that goes along one side is the bit that projects out the mattress edge and all is well.

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