Mounting your steed-just a bit of fun


Bonky Bus 888

T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
Having undergone no extensive training whatsoever and about the only YouTube video on Calis I have not been able to find, I seem to have adopted the following… left leg in, left bum up (you can sing this bit), right hand handrail push with a right leg twizzle to finish. Anyone else care to describe a more or less elegant method of assuming the driving position?
I consider getting in and out a part of my strength training so take a breath, step in then power up onto the seat without using my hands. Once or twice I have bounced back down to earth, but as long as I can mount I know I can do everything else involved in Cali ownership. I am 5’ 5“
I am 5ft (150cm) . - short legs! Passenger side sometimes pull myself up holding on to head rest. Drivers side the steering wheel comes in useful for getting in. The best is to use the sliding door but even there I need the help of the head rest or rear seat. Easy to go between the seats to to rear and in the rear it is easier to put on a jacket than trying to do it in the drivers seat. Getting out I hold the strap beside the door.

Being short has it problems but also advantages, no need to duck down, very rarely bang my head. However the van is easier to get in and out off than our small car where I find my feet do not reach the floor easily from the seating position due to the wide sill.

The California is easy to drive for a person of any height. Years ago I went for a test drive of a Rover but I could not see over the windscreen wipers. On the other hand I had no problems with my Capri 2.8.
It's an interesting question that I have often pondered (and even thought of asking) as I have clambered aboard. To me the driving position is one of the most awkward to access of any vehicle that I have owned.
My method: right hand on A pillar grab handle, right leg on step, left leg up and in simultaneously sliding left bum cheek onto seat, then sliding further onto seat while lifting right leg up and in.
Hmm. Just had to check this.

LEFT foot on step. Left hand on grab rail. Right foot on step as turn to right (facing out the door) and sit on seat. Then swing both feet into cab. Weird, huh?

Oh, and I'm 5' 10" but with short legs.

Good game. Good game (as Brucie would have said).
Hmm. Just had to check this.

LEFT foot on step. Left hand on grab rail. Right foot on step as turn to right (facing out the door) and sit on seat. Then swing both feet into cab. Weird, huh?

Oh, and I'm 5' 10" but with short legs.

Good game. Good game (as Brucie would have said).
Like it, am going to give the Brucie mount a go!

VW California Club
