My charger has burnt out, but why, and can it be repaired?



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Well after our first night on mains hook up in the new to us T4 California coach, the charger has burnt out! Was this close to going up in flames? Does anyone know why this has suddenly happened 27 years after rolling off the production line? Can the original unit be repaired or is there a straight swap alternative unit at a sensible price?





Hard to know what caused it. Could have been a frayed wire, plastic sheathing hardened and cracked causing a short. I don't see why it couldn't be repaired. But get it checked out by an auto electrician. The consequences of it happening again don't bare thinking about.
This fail is well documented online. There is a thread somewhere on T4 Wiki about how to repair them.
New ones are available at cost! Usual fix is to replace with a Fraron unit. Tons on intel on that if you search here.

A bit late now but, a regular clean out/blast with compressed air/vacumn to get rid of dust helps.
Go with the fraron solution. I had the same happen to me mid holiday, they express shipped me one and we were up and running again (search my posts i documented the saga). Never looked back and not constantly worried the old unit might go bang again.
As to the why, ours blew after we spilt milk in the kitchen and it reached the unit. But these things are old now and that's just the risk with old electronics...
The electrolytics (if they haven't been replaced) probably don't owe you anything. Their mtbf is heavily influenced by operating temperature and how much ripple they're being asked to smooth. The emi filter / cap (which looks like the culprit) is probably the same.

If keeping the original I'd replace all the above and the Movs and refresh all the through hole solder.
For me I would just replace it. As you say the unit is 27 years old and a new one will have more features and would be able to cope with upgraded batteries if you when down that route in the future.
For me I think most things can be repaired after all it was built at some point. Looking at the circuit board it does not look like there are any surface mount components or chips in there. You might be able to repair it but it will be difficult and may well cost more than a new one. If you were thinking of a repair you would have to source the parts but that should be fairly easy. Here are some steps you would need to consider if repairing
1) You would then have the clean the unit and remove the damaged components.
2) You would then need to check that the PCB is undamaged but from the photos it looks like it might be.
3) You would then need to solder in your new components.
4) Finally I would want to test the unit just to check it is working after the repair.
If you can do the work yourself then it might be fairly cheap as the components won’t amount to much.
New one around £400 from VW. Check the part numbers are absolutely identical as they look the same but can do different things.
That could be where VW / Westfalia source then from and hence why they look the same.