New owner and tow bar fitting (north east)



T5 SE 140
First post from me! Just bought a lovely 2015 California SE in Toffee Brown (from the site) and would like to have a removable towbar and 13 pin electrics fitted. I've searched the forums and see Westfalia are highly recommended but I was wondering if I can get a good job done in the North East of England as Bristol is a long trek for a towbar fitting. Any suggestions welcome. Glad to be part of the 'club'
Welcome Audioman!
Here are a lot of friendly Van owners and I am sure one closer to your area can help.
I also had Westfalia fitted aftermarket and it is perfect! Costs me about CHF 1000.- however super worth it!
Thanks Sapto, I think Westfalia are original supplier for BMW too so must be decent kit.
Hi welcome to the forum. Good luck with your towbar fitting I cant help with advice on where to get it fitted but it must be better to get a quality one.
I had a westfalia removable towbar retro fitted to our 2015 Beach, its the same kit used by VW and I had this done complete with the proper dedicated wiring kit / loom & the computer thingy updated by a local towbar company I trust, all works as it should & very happy with it...
Thanks Robowagen, just a couple of quick questions. Can you indicate approximate cost please, and did you have to take your Beach back to VW for 'coding' or did your supplier do this for you?
Westfalia took over Witter towbars here in the UK and the Bristol supplied part will be of a slightly different design to the German/factory fitted item. One thing that came to light last summer was that the British version has the towball slightly further away from the tailgate which can give the option to use a wider range of bike carriers.
Thanks for the info B J G, very helpful. I know Hedley Towbars in Durham and will call them for a price.
Thanks Robowagen, just a couple of quick questions. Can you indicate approximate cost please, and did you have to take your Beach back to VW for 'coding' or did your supplier do this for you?

Can’t recall exact cost but VW wanted to charge me £650 plus fitting, local firm charged me less fully fitted & coded!

VW California Club
