Offside wing mirror for SE



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Someone just took Vernon’s (California SE 2015, Candy White) wing mirror off. The electrics all seem to work and the glass is intact (amazingly). However, fixings on the upper and lower part of the cover are split meaning that although it’s been put back together, it’s not right. I need a replacement. If anyone can help me find a mail order unit I would be grateful. Or if a dealer in the forum can help I would be grateful. We are some distance from a dealer and I think I would need to get this done local for a quick repair. Thanks,
Someone just took Vernon’s (California SE 2015, Candy White) wing mirror off. The electrics all seem to work and the glass is intact (amazingly). However, fixings on the upper and lower part of the cover are split meaning that although it’s been put back together, it’s not right. I need a replacement. If anyone can help me find a mail order unit I would be grateful. Or if a dealer in the forum can help I would be grateful. We are some distance from a dealer and I think I would need to get this done local for a quick repair. Thanks,
You could try here.

Or original VW. Cost will be significantly higher.