Hello from Inverness, the gateway to "The North Coast 500!" - Add it to your "Bucket List." 
Hi, we are planning a New California Beach and have our finger poised over the Buy button but we have one slight problem... we've not seen one yet.
Our nearest Dealership is over 2 hours away in Aberdeen and as one of our reasons for choosing a Beach is Accessibility problems we are struggling to get across to confirm whether the front passenger seat is fit for our needs; we need it to allow the occupant to rotate while in the seat with their feet unobstructed.
A very kind couple from Edinburgh, that were parked recently at the Fortrose campsite, graciously allowed me a peek into their Ocean (where I was greeted by a very friendly and rather wet Red Setter who had obviously been enjoying the nearby sandy beach, small "b") but we'd love to check out a real Beach and so to my request...
...Are there any owners, in the Inverness area, of a T6 Beach that wouldn't mind me taking a closer look at their pride and joy so we can hopefully confirm that it is exactly what we need and then go ahead get one?
Great Forum by the way, I look forward to needing all the useful info contained within.

Hi, we are planning a New California Beach and have our finger poised over the Buy button but we have one slight problem... we've not seen one yet.
Our nearest Dealership is over 2 hours away in Aberdeen and as one of our reasons for choosing a Beach is Accessibility problems we are struggling to get across to confirm whether the front passenger seat is fit for our needs; we need it to allow the occupant to rotate while in the seat with their feet unobstructed.
A very kind couple from Edinburgh, that were parked recently at the Fortrose campsite, graciously allowed me a peek into their Ocean (where I was greeted by a very friendly and rather wet Red Setter who had obviously been enjoying the nearby sandy beach, small "b") but we'd love to check out a real Beach and so to my request...
...Are there any owners, in the Inverness area, of a T6 Beach that wouldn't mind me taking a closer look at their pride and joy so we can hopefully confirm that it is exactly what we need and then go ahead get one?
Great Forum by the way, I look forward to needing all the useful info contained within.