Our New Ocean



Milton of Campsie
T6 Ocean 150
Hi all

We picked up our new Cali on 30 March and it was instant Wow factor, can't stop looking at it brings a smile to the face everytime. We just love it and glad we made the right choice.

The handover went very well our dealer went over everything on the list downloaded from the forum. The dealer mentioned that we would be getting a recall to do with the passenger side pillar I don't know what that is about and I couldn't see anything wrong with it. On the way home we stopped off to do some shopping and when returning to the van and putting on my (passenger) seatbelt the release button had jammed. After a phone call to the dealer it was back there the next morning, a new one was ordered to be replaced the next day. Next day we arrive at dealers and find that they had sent a replacement for the drivers seatbelt by mistake and we would have to come back again, but the manager (I think) overheard and told them to take one off of the new vans so it was fixed in about five minutes and we were on our way again. Top marks to the dealer.

We have been buying lot of bits and bobs like , mats for floor, mats for worktop, gas bottle, luggage containers, portaloo.

We haven't managed to get away in it yet as my oh is soo busy in the garden (planting season) and everything else, but as we have waited a long time for our Cali another week or so will be okay. Can't wait to get away the anticipation is killing me.
Good to read you've got your Cali Kath, you'll need to change your user details from "cali on order" now :)

Wishing you lots of great adventures. We've had ours a couple of weeks now and have had a first few nights away - loving the Cali and the lifestyle it provides us.

Have you any photos and a name?!
Good lord, I can't believe you've had it for three weeks nearly and still haven't been away ... it was all I could do to resist sleeping in mine the first night on the drive!!

Welcome, by the way!
:welcome It would be nice to hear who your dealership is? People are always looking for good ones:thumb Hurry up and get the plants in so that you can get out and about in the California. A word of warning though, you'll love being out and about so much you may let the gardening slide ;)

Haha - Easter was reserved for the garden for us as well . Frustrating but then the weather was rubbish anyway. Hope you've got some adventures planned soon.

PS. Can't get a picture out of my head of you stuck in the passenger seat due to jammed seat belt :Grin
Hi many thanks for your replies and welcome. I am new to this so I will try and add a photo (fingers crossed)

Seaside Sussex: I have updated my user details. We just call the van Cali I know it's obvious, but it suits. Here are a couple of photos, hope you like them.

20170419_164208_002 (2).jpg 20170419_163955.jpg

Chris: Yes I know it's looking unused parked in the drive , but we are in it every day getting ready for the off soon.

Wind Witch: Our dealership is VW Baillieston, Glasgow. I forgot to mention that on the day of the handover we were picked up at the house by them. We are about twelve miles away. Great service.

DM: It was after releasing the seat belt it wouldn't engage again so it was the back seat for me we did have a good laugh about back seat drivers (I'm not a good one). The planting is nearly finished mostly vegetables .

Wishing everyone happy safe journeys.
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and another Cali known as "the van" !!
I'm afraid ours gets called "the van" too. Very unfitting, but a name?? Haven't thought of one we like so far and its not looking good!

(we have a 9 year old cat who still has no name other than "little one" - he was the runt of the litter)

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