Portable loos



VIP Member
Has anyone tried this product "bog in a bag". http://www.boginabag.co.uk/ . Sounds quite innovative but i'd prefer to know how it works out in practice before buying one :smile
He he... Not used this product, but am certainly pleased I found something called "Travel John" a few years ago. It has made many a trip to festivals and grand prix's more comfortable!!
charlesbaron said:
Has anyone tried this product "bog in a bag". http://www.boginabag.co.uk/ . Sounds quite innovative but i'd prefer to know how it works out in practice before buying one :smile

We have one as we like wild camping but only for emergencies

Had it quite a while but not been called upon yet, but does give piece of mind just in case.
It packs up really small and due to the nature of it would be very easy to dispose of the waste, much rather this personally than lugging a portapotty around in one if the cupboards.
I sat on one of these in a fellow vw camper ,as there wasn't enough seats in the awning and i will say it's comfortable enough ,but i can't say i actually got to use it for it's purpose ....
They are handy if needs must ,cheap and pack up small ......every little helps :thumb :doh
we have used the shitbox at festivals, quite sturdy considering
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I will let you know how I find it. :smile
Rockford portable toilet that look very much like Thetford porta potti £40 in Lidl today.
The bog in the bag was called into action and must say its perfect for an emergency toilet

Packs very small and very easy to dispose of waste and higenic as the bag covers the seat
Essential part of our kit now, especially as we sometimes wild camp

Don't think the dedicated bags are necessary, any large bin bag would be fine

VW California Club
