Potential new owner, financial questions




I've been looking through this forum for a few days and really impressed by the information on here. I'm really tempted to get a cali for our family, 2 kids aged 4 and 6, and think to get the most out of a cali we need to get one before they become grumpy teens.

Current car lease means we won't being a position buy until March next year, so looking to rent for a weekend in sept to see if we would like it.

Assuming we decide one is for us, and we go for a used cali se for 40k (seems to be going rate based on adverse here), would someone be able to give me an idea of typical servicing costs etc per year, and what the depreciation might be over 5 or 10 years. This will be useful as I can compare it to the car. We'll have the cali as our only vehicle, as we commute by train/bike and walk kids to school, so mileage will be 5-10k per year max. Also what are advantages of buying new over used?

Thanks for your help, and apologies if thesequestions are answered elsewhere.
Hi, sorry I can't really answer your questions but just thought I would say hi and welcome from another hopeful California owner :hello

I'm sure someone more knowledgeable will be along with some answers for you soon!

40k should get you one with some warranty left, so you will be protected from anything major for a while.

Servicing is dead cheap - as it is just a T5 van - take a look here for genuine VW prices:

https://www.volkswagen-vans.co.uk/offer ... y-upfront/

They are variable miles services - the dashboard tells you when to go in - but most people appear to just do annual unless you are doing monster miles.

Most of us on here have convinced ourselves that we can afford a Cali based on the high residual prices. I would go with 2 grand a year (especially if you are buying a nearly new one) - you still see 5 year old ones going for 30k. Obviously mileage and condition makes a big difference.

Once you are out of warranty who knows there are some £1000 jobs that might crop up, but extending the warranty is about £1000 a year so you are probably just best putting some money in an account and crossing your fingers.

Our kids are 10 and 12 so starting to get a bit grumpy :) We are still loving the Cali - when they get really grumpy they can go in a tent!

Buy it, Buy It, Buy It - we haven't regretted it for a minute and we are having loads more holidays.

You are doing the right thing renting first - we did the same.

The Cali is possibly one of the best vehicles you could purchase as regards to depreciation, especially if you buy at the right time of year and at the right price, we have even seen a Cali or two sold on this forum only to be re-advertised by the new person who purchased it six months later at the the same price as what it was advertised for ( with added mileage and six months older )

If you look at any of the online calculators for depreciation ( ie: http://www.whatcar.com/car-depreciation ... onId=33114 ) You will see it is totally inaccurate, they say at Cali 180 SE purchased for £47,300 brand new is worth only £19,300 in four years with average mileage.

You will never see a 2009/2010 Cali for under £25k, let alone under £20k

I purchased mine used in 2010 with only 3k miles and judging by what is selling at the moment, depreciation on mine has been around £1,100 per year.
Thanks all! I feel a spreadsheet coming on! Am I right in thinking a campsire with no hook up is normally 20 quid a night or therabouts?
ainrofilac said:
Thanks all! I feel a spreadsheet coming on! Am I right in thinking a campsire with no hook up is normally 20 quid a night or therabouts?

You can still get quite a few really good campsites for around £20 per night however we have noticed recently some sites are starting to charge stupid money of £50+ per night after you add in all the options .. kids, dog, EHU etc ... especially in high season.
As martin says you can still get something for 20 quid - I use 25 quid when I am planning holidays in my spreadsheets. If you go to some sites in France with loads of pools and restaurants in high season then the price can be 50 or more.

If you like spreadsheets I did a good one comparing finance deals: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4104&p=36164&hilit=pcp#p36164

I bought mine in October. It had been a VW demonstrator....no one had cooked or slept in it but it had done about 6k in mileage. 180 SE. Sensors, bike rack, bling alloy wheels, side bars, etc registered in the May. All for £39k. Hire in Sept then take a look in the Oct. Means limited usage over Winter but we went away Oct half term, Christmas, Feb half term before the real season started. Oh and lots of lunches out too.

Daughter nearly twelve thinks its super cool at the moment and its the envy of her friends. Last week took her 2 friends away too. If in a few years its no longer cool it may have cost a few thousand in depreciation but a "normal" car would have gone down too. However those memories are priceless and will last a lifetime!
Go for it.

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