Rattle / Creaking sound from C Pillar on a Cali Beach



T6 Beach 150
The other thing I've been meaning to post on here for advice is details about a strange sound I can't get to the bottom of.

It occurs when pulling off... and when going over bumps.

It's coming from the drivers side C Pillar in the back

At first I thought it was a rattle but now I think it might sound more like a creaking panel or something.

Has anyone come across a similar rattle / creaking noise?

The other thing I've been meaning to post on here for advice is details about a strange sound I can't get to the bottom of.

It occurs when pulling off... and when going over bumps.

It's coming from the drivers side C Pillar in the back

At first I thought it was a rattle but now I think it might sound more like a creaking panel or something.

Has anyone come across a similar rattle / creaking noise?

Firstly, are you absolutely sure it is coming from that area. Sounds travel in a California so you really need someone sat in the back. Also move the rear seat back and fore and maybe remove the multiplex board.
Strange noises and ratlles can be hard to locate ....first you need to be sure nothing is lose in warderobes and drawers , check booth , table in the sliding door , ....lots of things .
Unload it as much as possible and see if it still makes noise;)
I will lay any bet it is the fold up table in the sliding door, or the fold up chairs in the back door.
If not, turn up the radio.
The other thing I've been meaning to post on here for advice is details about a strange sound I can't get to the bottom of.

It occurs when pulling off... and when going over bumps.

It's coming from the drivers side C Pillar in the back

At first I thought it was a rattle but now I think it might sound more like a creaking panel or something.

Has anyone come across a similar rattle / creaking noise?


We had exactly this issue, turned out to be something in the roof. It disappeared after we next put up and lowered the roof.

We now have a new rattly squeak - plasticky and I say it comes from the underbench drawer, on the driver's side. The driver says it comes from the kitchen cupboard. How are you supposed to get to the bottom of these dreaded squeaks when no-one can agree on their point of origin? :(
Not got to the bottom of it yet.... definitely not the table, or chairs... it's the beach so non of the stuff to check that's in the ocean. I've had the roof up etc but no difference. Still think it's a panel rubbing a little. I've got it booked into VW to take a look so will see what they come up with.
Not got to the bottom of it yet.... definitely not the table, or chairs... it's the beach so non of the stuff to check that's in the ocean. I've had the roof up etc but no difference. Still think it's a panel rubbing a little. I've got it booked into VW to take a look so will see what they come up with.

good luck with finding the pesky thing. Beach squeaks and rattles a whole other ballgame - do let us know what it was when you find it ;)
Whilst getting my Car Play activated today the guy at VW looked at the rattle and soon figured out that it was coming from the sliding door.... more so the latch he thinks. A bit of adjustment on top rubber stopper and some grease on the latch and other parts seems to have solved it so i'm very pleased. He said if it comes back then they could replace the latch but it's a pain in the back side to do apparently. Anyway, it's all quiet now so i'm happy!
Whilst getting my Car Play activated today the guy at VW looked at the rattle and soon figured out that it was coming from the sliding door.... more so the latch he thinks. A bit of adjustment on top rubber stopper and some grease on the latch and other parts seems to have solved it so i'm very pleased. He said if it comes back then they could replace the latch but it's a pain in the back side to do apparently. Anyway, it's all quiet now so i'm happy!

SO pleased you've got to the bottom of it - though not as pleased as you I suspect :upsidedown
Get some silicone spray for the door. It’s does need regular maintenance, to prevent the squeaks.
Unfortunately the Cali is prone to a few rattles. But then it has lots of extra/different kit to most cars. You will learn to live with it in time.
The other thing I've been meaning to post on here for advice is details about a strange sound I can't get to the bottom of.

It occurs when pulling off... and when going over bumps.

It's coming from the drivers side C Pillar in the back

At first I thought it was a rattle but now I think it might sound more like a creaking panel or something.

Has anyone come across a similar rattle / creaking noise?

In my Cali it was the rear door drivers side, there is a rubber spacer adjustable. It needs to be adjusted outwards. It prevents the door banging against the frame. Worked for me.
Yup... that was adjusted too... I didn't even know it was adjustable so learned something there :)


VW California Club
