Reassurance on buying a VW California



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My work colleague has fallen in love with my Cali and was about to order one until he started reading about all the problems on this website.

I have had my fair share of problems but I still love my van and would not change it for anything else.

Wonder how many other people are put off once they start reading forums? We could be losing potential new owners!

Anyway, if you are looking to buy a Cali, the positives by far outweigh the negatives.
I bought first (impulse purchase at the Newbury Motorhome show) and then started reading the forums :(
I was then alerted to the problems I could have, and did...wonky roof, control panel issues so got them done under warranty as a matter of urgency.
Quite simply felli n love with this fabulous vehicle and a year later an numerous trips to the dealership later am even more in love with it :thumb
Bought, joined the forum, panic and anger, acceptance, thought stuff it, started having fun, relax, deal with any problems if and when happens.

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We also purchased before finding the forum, if we had found the forum first, the negative topics would have put us off for sure. I must say though even though we have had the odd problem we would 100% buy another one.

Anyone out there still contemplating, just go for it, none of the problems will stop you enjoying this great vehicle
Given the demand, it's probably a good thing if some people get put off :)

I spent about a year on this forum before buying and possibly read every single post at the time! Yes quite sad but it's an obsession!
I can not think of the time when a Cali would not be part of our life. I did not find the forum until after we decided to buy a California. negative's and issues did not put me off. We are a big fan and I would rather go away in the van than B&B's hotels etc. It also serves us well as a day van/beach hut. Having camped when our kids we young we knew what to expect from a holiday on a campsite - for some the vision of a camper van is greater than the reality.
  • the information I am sure saved us in the early days from catching the canvas and cutting them.
  • the information made me aware of roof corrosion so I was ready for it when it developed on our t5
  • the information gave us heads up as to possible issues
More seem to post issues rather than great times had in their camper, (esp in the out of season months).
Our views on ownership
  • Use it all year
  • Find a good van centre you can trust
  • If buying new or under 3 months old buy the extended VW warranty
  • read the owners manual
  • If not sure rent for a few nights, decided if camper van life style is for you
By getting involved in the forum you are able to see what others have experienced both good and bad. A lot of the negative queries are very quick fixes which are in the handbook. Some things are down to human error and lack of care which leaves you with a relatively small list of problems that are down to VW. Although these are a PiTA, the Cali is an exceptional vehicle which does a lot of things very well. With a Cali, you are in control of your holidays and outings and the memories from these will outweigh the annoyance of the odd niggle. We certainly have no regrets.
I've been thinking about this, and also ref: the post linked above, as to why anyone would feel any obligation to promote their own choice of vehicle to others? I'm not a VW shareholder & they don't need 'saving' through any additional sales we can drum up for them. I'm also not hopeful that VW, their Customer Service dept or franchised Dealers will ever change one jot as a result of any info shared here.

Is it about validation? - if I get someone else to buy one and they like it, does that then further justify my own purchase? Nothing personal to anyone, just interesting.

As to the forum, I personally find this website community invaluable, entirely due to posts from fellow owners & their shared collective experience both good & bad, but am not then bothered in the least whether anyone is encouraged or discouraged to buy (or keep) the same van 'as us' - perhaps that shows psychopathic tendencies ...

I happily pay VIP subs to help with the website running costs & try to contribute as much content in as I take out - sometimes it's new info, but mostly confirmation of either 'mine does that too, don't worry', or 'I thought that too, don't worry', which I suppose may have some value to others by way of reassurance :D - but for me that's as far as it goes & VW can fight their own battles.

I still remain a fan (warts & all) and I don't think we're actively doing anything to put people off. Sunlight is the best cleanser & we're providing VW with huge qualitative feedback (free of charge) to keep improving their product should they wish - which benefits everyone in the end.
Sadly any owners forum anywhere produces a concentration of negativity.

I have a love-hate relationship with Albert.

99% complete adoration and love and about 1% hate, normally when something silly goes wrong. I will not be without a camper until I am too old to drive anything and given that I am always looking at alternatives I still cannot see any alternative to that camper being a California.
My view is that you should read as much on Forums and magazine test reports etc as possible to get a full picture of what a Cali is all about.
If it puts you of after all that then you probably weren't that serious to start with on becoming an owner.

The Cali is a compromise between an estate car, a van and a motorhome. none of which it does 100% but I couldn't find an alternative that came close to morphing into whichever one is required that day.
My work colleague has fallen in love with my Cali and was about to order one until he started reading about all the problems on this website.

I have had my fair share of problems but I still love my van and would not change it for anything else.

Wonder how many other people are put off once they start reading forums? We could be losing potential new owners!

Anyway, if you are looking to buy a Cali, the positives by far outweigh the negatives.
Guys so many times I read this type of doubt. Lets be honest Ferarri's and lambos bust out in flames all cars vans etc sombody finds someting to grumble about " human nature" If you like a Cali if its what you would like then have one ride the storms enjoy the freedom
As I said in my thread " Just Saying " have yet to see a VW T4/5/5.1 or 6 on the roadside broken down in the last 1,500 miles. Every time I stop I get someone looking at my California and peering inside. Don't see that with the Motorhomes.

Pick any vehicle, if there is a Forum then there are complaints etc.

Only 2 things certain in life , Death and Taxes. The latter you have to pay the former you can delay and that's what the California does. I like my tele but I prefer my California, with all its foibles, and the open road.
I joined a few forums (fora?) first, saw a lot about problems, talked to friends who know about VWs and/or work for JK/ maintain various vans/ run fleets of vans - and bought a 9 year old VW!

Of course there are always problems mentioned frequently on forums, as no-one posts "How many of haven't had any problems with your ........" widget or whatever.

In my year of ownership I've had one rather silly problem that was down to the ridiculous amount of electronics which most modern vehicles suffer from (well I think they suffer: I only ever had 2 small problems in years of Morris Minor ownership).

I don't have any regrets about buying my van, busting my budget, or even telling the dealer I'd take it before asking all the relevant questions!
I can not think of the time when a Cali would not be part of our life. I did not find the forum until after we decided to buy a California. negative's and issues did not put me off. We are a big fan and I would rather go away in the van than B&B's hotels etc. It also serves us well as a day van/beach hut. Having camped when our kids we young we knew what to expect from a holiday on a campsite - for some the vision of a camper van is greater than the reality.
  • the information I am sure saved us in the early days from catching the canvas and cutting them.
  • the information made me aware of roof corrosion so I was ready for it when it developed on our t5
  • the information gave us heads up as to possible issues
More seem to post issues rather than great times had in their camper, (esp in the out of season months).
Our views on ownership
  • Use it all year
  • Find a good van centre you can trust
  • If buying new or under 3 months old buy the extended VW warranty
  • read the owners manual
  • If not sure rent for a few nights, decided if camper van life style is for you
Your post is spot on, thanks, I've placed an order for a Cali Ocean, then joined the forum and I started to get bogged down when reading the negatives. I thought to my self there must be happy owners out there. I'll concentrate on the positives but have a healthy regard for the negatives just so that I'm informed. :)
We rented a Cali from Martin(forum admin), read the forum worried about the roof problems . Considered a ford terrier ,looked at Marc polo.

Continued to read the forum ,especially wonderful threads on Cali travel adventures/photos & the helpful /supportive threads by forum members .

Ordered a T6 California Ocean,had it 12mths. Best decision we made. Forum helped us to set up our Cali , acts as a travel guide & support manual . We have 5 year warranty.

Thanks all :thumb
If you buy one you'll have fun, lots of fun. If you don't you'll have lots of money instead to spend on something else which will also have it's own issues. Nothing you buy in the automotive line is perfect so the decision is simple. If you want a Cali and can afford one then do it and accept that you may have the odd issue from time to time.
We took two years to decide to buy a Cali. We rented two (conversions) and decided they were not for us but we did like the freedom but did not like the creaky/rattly nature of them. We ordered new because we could afford too (very lucky), then started reading the forum and all the problems, then took stock (nearly cancelled but didn't) and took delivery in February this year. Three months into ownership. 2500 miles in and only problem so far was self inflicted (minor clip which Clive at Birmingham Van Center helped us with). We have had seven trips away (15 nights) encountering frost, torrential rain and beautiful sunshine in the process All in the UK. All to places we have never been to before. It's like a new life.........woohoo!
If your worried, try to keep the vehicle basic without to many electrical/electronic fancy bits that will fail at some point.
There are a lot of options, which are not necessary.

One of the biggest grumbles for me is the roof. It is disappointing about roof corrosion and seeing it appear on the T6 is very disappointing.

However, I have had my Cali for over 4 years now and covered over 50000 miles and to be fair it's been a brilliant vehicle.
I do believe it's currently the best in its class and far more useful than anything else on the road today.
If I could only afford one vehicle, it would be a California.

VW California Club
