Recent V New



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 150
In the new forum layout why do we have two headings as in - Recent Posts and New Posts ? Are they different or the same? To me, recent is new and new is recent. Confused Paul.
I think Recent means the latest threads/threads with new posts but New means threads with posts that you (personally) have not yet viewed - so if you have viewed the latest post on the most recent thread, it will remain in Recent but no longer show in New because you have read it. I think that's right anyway, but probably doesn't make any sense written like this :D
I think Recent means the latest threads/threads with new posts but New means threads with posts that you (personally) have not yet viewed - so if you have viewed the latest post on the most recent thread, it will remain in Recent but no longer show in New because you have read it. I think that's right anyway, but probably doesn't make any sense written like this :D
Hmm, thanks Maud, I think I understand but in my ignorance I didn't have a problem with the old format. I need to learn a lot about PC jargon. Paul.
Recent shows latest threads posted on, new shows threads yet to be read by you.

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