Renting Your Cali



VIP Member
North West
T5 SE 180
Hi all,

Does anyone rent their Cali out (as a business or informally)? It's something I'm considering and wondered if anyone had any experiences they'd like to share. I'm thinking just friends and acquaintances who have shown their interest really.

I have questions like:
How did you work insurance?
Did you get any breakdowns and does the VW cover suffice for this purpose?
Any other issues I haven't thought about?

Any tips from the pros would be very much appreciated.

Loads of motorhome users do this to earn some extra cash and use 'pay as you go' insurance, someone I know uses this company:

I am not too sure if I would be too happy lending my Cali to someone though, i think i would have sleepless nights !

Oli will be your man with the best info on this anyway .
The Cali is quite fragile so would suggest you leave some basic instructions on the most vulnerable bits like snagging the bellows, snapping off upstairs reading light, keeping door open when operating roof etc.

BMVS will doubtless know the bits most damaged by renters so you can warn your customers

Its a good idea. Good luck with it.

Cant help you with the insurance, as we pay an annual fleet policy. Reference renting them out, we take up to 2 hours to do a handover, to make sure our customers are 100% confident before taking them away. We also offer a 24 hour helpline for them while they are away. We also take a £1000 deposit form customers when they rent. I would say our campoervans are in as good or better condition than a privately owned Cali, and Im sure those on here who rent them would agree - They are valeted and polished on a wekkly basis, and peopke really take good care of them for us :thumb

I get asked this question all the time, but its never as easy as people think......

VW California Club
