Replacement T6.1 MY21 wardrobe runner "retainer" - part number?



T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
During a recent trip, I managed to break one of the little retainers that keeps the sliding wardrobe door on the correct runner when I was dragging a packing cube out of the depths. It looks very easy to replace myself - is there an easy way to find the part number and order it?

A pic of the obscure part of the day :)


and the unbroken one for reference:

Thanks very much!

Hi Swello, I have exactly the same issue! Did you end up ordering via VW directly or elsewhere?

Thanks in advance

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looping in @itguy Will. He had one of these break, if I remember correctly and sourced it from an independent, I believe. £25 for a pack of 2 as I understand.
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looping in @itguy Will. He had one of these break, if I remember correctly and sourced it from an independent, I believe. £25 for a pack of 2 as I understand.
Yes, Will did describe breaking that part and replacing it. I can't find the vlog so he may have taken it down from their YT channel. Best to contact him direct.
Yep, I broke the bottom one. Easy to replace and VW seem to supply these as a set of 2 including the screws too. We bought ours from CE Automotive, v helpful.
Does anyone know the part number of these please? Just discovered one of mine at the bottom of the wardrobe broken.


VW California Club
