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Replacing Roof canvas



Cape town South Africa
T5 SE 140 4Motion
We need to replace our 2006 Se roof canvas as it has aged through the years
Can it be replaced with a later model canvas ?
Is the old canvas better ?
Any input will be appreciated
Thanks !
My 2007 SE had it's canvas replaced by a similar one 18 months old (3 windows) and 6 months before I bought it. About 12 months ago as part of the corrosion job I had the canvas replaced with one of the newer grey ones made of an entirely different type of material (3 windows).
Both were entirely waterproof but the more recent grey one let much more light in - it didn't bother us though (ie by waking us up earlier in the morning) because we had a Brandrup IsoTop installed which was pretty light tight.
I don't think the original canvas ones are still made or available, anyway.
Hope it goes well.
I believe all your questions are answered in a very recent thread about this subject. Where forum member @grainflow was also looking for a canvas for a 2006 model. You can find it here:

Our is a 2011 model and we recently had the canvas replaced by the new version. You ask if it's better? I would say yes because the material seems a lot sturdier. It's nylon if I'm not mistaken. It does let in more light as @barry says. Some people don't mind, some people feel they get woken up earlier and some, like myself, sleep just as long and really enjoy the fact that the entire van is a lot brighter and feels more spacious because of it.
In our case, not really. Everything works the same. I do feel there seems to be less risk of getting the canvas trapped, as the plastic parts (inside the canvas) that help fold the canvas inwards are different. Also because of the front window. There's a horiziontal plastic part there as well, in teh new canvas. It adds weight and helps the folding inwards. But if this truely makes for less risk, I dont know. The whole procedure for the person who closes the roof is the same. Because of the different material of the canvas however, the sliding lid that closes the roof off from the cabin is stuck a bit more tight, which in our case has the added advantage that it stops the lid from opening during driving.
Just wondering what the going rate for canvas replace is?

Sitting down and strapped in......tell me?
Ours was replaced by the dealer when the roof corrosion-repair was done. So I don't know the cost. But a forum search reveals a price of 600 GPB + VAT in 2013 and I doubt it's gotten any cheaper.
Also guess it would be arround 600-700€ done by VW . The canvas itself maybe arround 400-500? DIY job ?
Mine was replaced a few years ago by the previous owner. I’m sure the bill from VW was about £1,100 fitted.
The VW/Audi bodyshop I'm familiar with charges £90 to remove the old tent and replace it with one of the new tents that's been supplied by the customer. Incl VAT.
Just wondering what the going rate for canvas replace is?

Sitting down and strapped in......tell me?
Got my van back today, after corrosion repair - I had the fabric replaced from the old canvas with the T6 one - with the extra window - at the same time. It was £660 for that.
When CCN Amersfoort did my roof repair they fitted a T6 canvas (not the one that fully opens in the front but only the 3th window) , not charged anything for this...

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