replacing thermocouple



Weymouth ,Dorset
could not find much info on the site any one have part num please .just got one side of cooker is a pain not staying lit . :headbang 2006 none face lift thanks martin .
I would say its a standard smev part you may find it on their website :thumb
I replaced mine a few weeks ago, I put a post up here . . . . .

Not quite sure how to find it without losing this post - try searching for replacing thermocouple.

I also put instructions on how to do it. I used a VW part, as I think 2 different types were fitted. I have not yet identified the part from alternative suppliers. I found it impossible to identify the cooker and part from the smev website, but now I have the old one I will try and track an alternative down.

Oops, someone already posted a link - sorry . . . . If you need any further info get back to me quickly - off trekking in Nepal in a few days time.

Hello - the part number on mine (2008 08 reg model) is 7H7 068 119 A SENSOR

I did not take any pics, but pasting in the instructions

Replacing cooker thermocouple – VW California

Thermocouple is basically a temperature sensor that prevents gas flow if the sensor tip cools down. If the device fails, then the cooker flame goes out as soon as the button is released, however long it is pushed in for after lighting.

One end of the thermocouple plugs into a socket by the gas control. At the other end of the two wires, the sensor is held near the cooker flame by a star-type clip – which needs to be replaced once removed – cannot be re-used.

Access is extremely difficult without removing the cooker / sink hob.

Removing the hob involves disconnecting / reconnecting the gas supply. A good small tool kit (Hx, Tx and sockets are needed for many VW jobs) and the ability to improvise with tools is helpful.

Ensure that replacement thermocouple has new retaining washer, or that you have something similar.

For our vehicle (2008 California) part number was as below – I understand from VW parts that other year models use a different sensor, so it may be advisable to get first one from VW, subsequently from (much cheaper) alternative suppliers (e.g. CAK Tanks / Smev spares) once you know what is needed.

VW part ref: 7H7-068-119-A.


· Remove drawer under sink, empty both cupboards and remove shelves to enable easier access.

· Turn off gas at gas bottle and at tap under cooker.

· Remove gas pipe from under cooker tap – unscrew union to right of tap (cooker side). 17 mm spanner needed.

· Remove support bracket for hob lid – unscrew the bolt holding the support onto the right side of the cooker frame.

Hob lid can be held upright behind the window blind.

· Disconnect the waste pipe from the sink. Either unscrew the jubilee clip and remove the hose (these can be quite stiff to remove first time) or, and probably easier, unscrew the central bolt in the waste trap at the bottom of the sink (Phillips screw).

· It may be necessary to remove the fresh water pipe to the tap – but on my van there was enough slack in the hose, so we did not need to do this.

· The cooker is held in position by 4 studs / nuts, one in each corner of the cooker/sink hob unit. The nuts need to be removed.

Access is awkward, from below, via a hole in the fairing. On our van, the nut is 7mm. It may be possible to use a stepped ring spanner, but a small socket (i.e. 1/4” drive) is better and reduces the risk of losing the nut. The problem is that the stud (fixed onto the hob corner) is quite long, so a long reach socket is needed. My 7mm socket could not reach the nut – but we found that a 9/32” AF socket with a central clearance hole fitted just as well.

Unscrew and retain these nuts and if possible, the washers.

· Hob can then be removed – may initially ‘stick’ to the rubber sealing surround.

· The thermocouple can now be seen – a 2-wire connector from tap to burner surround. Remove the burner shields (small Tx key needed). Pull off wires at one end, withdraw coupler through hob at the other end by breaking retaining clip – pair of pliers should do this.

· Install new thermocouple, pushing retaining washer on to hold sensor end in place.

· Re-install hob – a reversal of above. Reconnect water pipe, waste pipe / sink drain. Replace 7mm nuts on studs – use of a socket makes this easier.

· Re-connect gas supply and test for leaks. The union is a good quality fitting and should not give any problems.

· Job done. Pour beer from fridge and happy cooking.

Pasted in from the doc I prepared after my brother and I had done it.

Call me on 07980 202830 if need be - by Wednesday. Leaving early hours Thursday.

My brother lives in Gloucestershire, near Stroud, and he would be happy to help you if you are around there. It is fiddly and awkward job, and he is very good at improvising.

Very useful post Lewis lets hope it helps many members with the same issue
Thanks for your time posting this up :thumb :thumb
If someone wants to cut out the relevant part of above and post as a download, feel free. Much of the info came from some instructions on how to remove the fridge (removing cooker is needed to remove fridge on some earlier models) which I found somewhere, with some observations about practicality of doing things in very confined spaces.

I skimp over the bit about checking for gas leaks - Gas Sage re-cert probably needed, which is why it is so expensive to get this job done at the dealers or they are reluctant to take it on. I have the advantage of a bro who can do this.

Hi Martin,
Just seen your post, i had to replace my thermocouple when i did my shunt repair. i purchased it from "". It was a cramer thermocouple, i bought the longer one it was about £25.00.
Hope this helps
Martin does this help -

eBay Item

That's the correct P/N for your van (7H7 068 119), later models use 7H7 068 119 A.

If you buy one then have a look and see if there is any SMEV part numbers on it. :thumb

Whilst looking for the part I also stumbled on this website which looks useful -

Parts Cat
ace stu .just ask the ebay guy for 2 .but don't want to pay £20 post .better get 2 as the other one will go when i fitted just one :thanks
Great news mate, hope it goes well.

The £9.99 shipping is a bit steep.
IMG_3189.JPG IMG_3190.JPG
I have just replaced the gas hob thermocouple on the right hand side burner on my 2012 California. There are access holes on the underside which allowed me to replace it in approx. 40mins without removing the hob from the unit. Norfolk Marine supplied the part for £22.58 (VW wanted approx £60).

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