Reversing camera. Easy solution 5 min fit. No wires

I agree, but the restriction is Bluetooth and I think that it's not possible to receive two signals with one BT chip your suggestion would mean two BT chips or a switch to alternate and Im sure BT protocol means the screen would have to be reconnected with either camera every time, so a simple switch does not work. Its unfortunately not that simple and no doubt the costs would go up. Ver 2 perhaps ? BT porticoes are being improved every year. The latest BT Ver5 can even transmit full hi res hifi.
I received the camera and I am quite happy with it. The image resolution is a bit poor, but it works pretty well.
Thanks for the idea !! Although I live in France I purchased it via Amazon UK because the price was 30€ cheaper with postage.
What is the feedback from those who have installed this camera for several months now?
Satisfied with the image quality?
Can some compare with an original camera?
I'd say I'm happy. Sure the video image isn't as high as the inbuilt screen, but hey you only use it for a few minutes at a time and it does the job. There is also an advantage over the built in system in that you can switch the camera on even when moving. So if the van is packed and back window is obscured, you can still see what's behind you. Finally paying just over £100 when a retro install is £500 or more, and so many panels on the back door would have to be dismantled and maybe damaged, I'd opt for the compromise every time, unless money is no object.
I'm very happy with mine, picture is fine for reversing night or day and very easy to setup and use, just have to remember to switch it on :)

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