Rodent damage.... Question is to what?



VIP Member
New Forest
T6 Beach 150

Just moved my T6 Beach (150, manual, MY2018) and found a chewed set of bits under where the drivers side engine bay would have been.

It's a connector with VW stamped on it, so definitely car/van related. Don't think it is from my Mk7 Golf which hasn't been parked near there for a while.

A quick inspection under and in the bonnet shows nothing, but then the panels under the engine could be hiding wherever it came from.

No warning lights when ignition is on, no obvious lack of functions, though yet to drive it to check cruise control etc. Night heater works.

Lights all seem to work

Wires are purple/black, white/light blue, brown.

Any ideas?

Thanks 20201005_152130.jpg
My ABS wires go chewed twice. V expensive. Wires inside wheel arch. I can recommend the rodent tape filled with chilli. They haven’t struck since.
Definitely oil level sensor, I fixed mine last week
Thanks @paul_f & @Loz, very helpful.

Just started it again. After dismissing the "Refuel 30 miles" warning sure enough the oil sensor warning shows, followed by a start-stop system error.

Completely frustrating to have a vehicle so prone to this type of damage. The more you look for T6 oil sensor the more you find the common thread of rodent damage.

Think I'll try VW assist and see what they say/do and take it from there.

Annoyingly I'm not impressed by my local group of VW commercial dealers and want to try to avoid them if I can.

Totally frustrating situation.
That will be an expensive dealer fix. I'd find an independent recommended auto electrician to repair that. The loom between the oil sensor is easily replaceable, unfortunately they have bitten off the bit that isn't replaceable as easily

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