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Roof corrosion worth a mag article?

David Eccles

David Eccles

VIP Member
Having just discovered I too am a victim of the dreaded bubbling front roof panel, and read the whole thread elsewhere, I wondered about writing about this in my column for VW Bus magazine.
Could one of the mods who has been overseeing this thread / dealing with VW get in touch with me about if this is a good idea and how they'd like it played? Rather than have a diatribe against VW I am thinking more on lines of how the power and influence of this forum has had ....and is having...
To me its a pain, but VW have held hands up (finally) and have put in place a system to deal with it..and the service from VW Van Centre Listers has been first I just have to patiently wait my turn!
YES :thumb

Some would so I am fortunate not to have developed the "rot" issue on our 2012 Cali roof but I am sure it will, I am confident that VW has accepted the manufacturing fault that has caused the aluminium and steel body parts to react. I think that an article would be worth pushing. I did believe that such a fault in the roof construction would was cover by the 10 year warranty when I bought it, and I was confident that my van would not corrode in any way as you rarely see rusting cars these days. For those with California's over 6 years old who at this time VW are not accepting the issue I feel very sorry for and if I was it their position I would be taking legal action and seeking advise from Which or Watch Dog without question, if the forum is unable to resolve the issue soon. Going back to my roof as it has not developed the corrosion I do not feel fortunate as if it does not develop before it is 6 years old VW will not pay to repair it. Would you buy a 5 year old van that has not developed roof rot and not repaired by VW. So to be honest we should give VW credit where it is supporting us and shaming them for where they are lacking.A mag article could tell the who story
ours is a Dec 2011 and I have been keeping an eye on since alerted by this forum..twas not there 3 weeks ago but suddenly appeared just as I was beginning to think I might have got away with it
Do we think this is likely on EVERY Cali? If not I wonder why...
and no it has not put me off the Cali at all and all credit to his those on this forum who have tenaciously pushed the issue with VW and alerted us all to be vigilant
I concur David I think it will develop on mine (June 2012 Cali) and all Cali's over time - Mine is parked nose down hill on the drive so I think it may develop slower as water runs of quickly I am also amazed how much runs off without it raining with a bit of dew on the lawn and there is a puddle on the ground by the front wheels

There is already an article being written by a few of us that are assisting with the campaign (Graham (SU51 BUS), Andy, Myself & Martin) I think it would be wise to liaise with Martin and he'll likely co-ordinate with yourself and your magazine.

So far as I am aware it will be every Cali, it was a manufacturing/design issue with the copper content of the cast aluminium front section.

The corrosion on the elevating roof is a whole other story :doh
Stu said:

There is already an article being written by a few of us that are assisting with the campaign (Graham (SU51 BUS), Andy, Myself & Martin) I think it would be wise to liaise with Martin and he'll likely co-ordinate with yourself and your magazine.

So far as I am aware it will be every Cali, it was a manufacturing/design issue with the copper content of the cast aluminium front section.

The corrosion on the elevating roof is a whole other story :doh


And yes the elevating roof corrosion is a different story - an unresolved one at that.

There are a lot of owners that haven't done so well out of this and it seems likely that this issue will have affected residual values on all vehicles.
We still don't have a cause from VW, or an acknowledgement of the elevating roof section and warranty of just the front section - better than nothing, definite progress sure but a clear statement of what is causing this, what vehicles are likely to be affected (all IMO) and what declared warranty for both roof parts is still missing and very much a part of good customer service.
Hi Stu,

With regard to the corrosion on the elevating roof is there an official acknowledgement from VW of the issue?

I am looking to order a Cali later this year but want acknowledgement from VW of the issue and the factory / production line remedial action before i order.

Apologies if this has been covered in another thread but I can't find it...


Not that I am aware of Mark. VW will repair in warranty roof issues but it's on a case by case basis and there is, as yet, no official acknowledgement of an inherent defect.

There is no TPI or 'official' repair for the elevating roof.
[quote="David Eccles
To me its a pain, but VW have held hands up (finally) and have put in place a system to deal with it..and the service from VW Van Centre Listers has been first I just have to patiently wait my turn![/quote]

Erm sorry, they haven't. I and quite a few others on here believe that VW haven't gone far enough and totally believe that we are getting nothing other than a worthless van and with that a massive repair bill hanging over our heads.
I don't how you can write your article, but it will defiantly help newer van owners more aware of this problem, but unfortunately will only make older van owners feel even more cheated especially the ones that don't know their roof is corroding.
Maybe bringing it to the attention of the masses of six year and older California's might make VW change the way they are going about this especially if it is possible somehow to make a joint claim against Volkswagen
"...totally believe that we are getting nothing other than a worthless van and with that a massive repair bill hanging over our heads."
sorry but I cant agree with that statement. I am not defending VW but I don't think it fair to describe the Cali as worthless....
Apparently there is a forthcoming mag article which will cover the ongoing saga in some depth ... my take will be from a personal view as a Cali owner and how the forum has made things happen...
It is worthy of an article.

Whether we like it or not, the word is out on Cali roof corrosion. So surely it is better to give oxygen to this issue so that VW can't hide, and hopefully will deal with this properly and fairly.

My 61 plate Cali has the corrosion on the front roof panel. And also corrosion on the actual roof itself at the rear corner. It lives in a bone dry garage and has done 14,000 miles. This corrosion is down to poor manufacturing, pure and simple.

For your article might I respectfully suggest that you also look at the experience of vw phaeton owners too. These cars have had systematic issues with corroding aluminium and a friend of mine endured a massive battle with vw before his got fixed. He got 4 new doors, new bonnet and new boot.

IMHO vw simply did not have the knowledge or skill to deal with painting aluminium. I have a friend with an aluminium bodied 1970s Aston V8, he has minor issues with aluminium corrosion - but it's a 40 yr old car. Even mighty mercedes at the peak of their powers could not paint aluminium without issues - but this took perhaps 10 years to show. My 20yr old Merc Sl, like all this generation SL model number R129, had corrosion on the removable aluminium hard top at the 2 front corners, and the 2 rear bottom corners. These 4 corners are key pressure points where the seal is squeezed between the car and the aluminium hard top by the 4 catches.

As an aside it is not just corroding roofs that Calis suffer from. I have also had all 4 corroding alloys replaced under warranty as VW don't know how to paint these either. And I have had the drivers door rubbing on the sill and requiring paintwork and this was repaired under warranty too as fitting doors properly is a bit of a struggle for VW.

VW California Club
