Roof fully open, but won’t close

How do you remove the sun visor ?
The Sun visor and holding clip are screwed in, take off the plastic covers on the visor mounting and the holding clip and you will see Torx head screws, un screw them. The visor might have an electrical connector if the vanity mirror is has a light. Just unplug this after you take the visor away and then the assembly can be removed.
Progress made.

No need to take off the sun visor, or to cut away the foam (in hindsight), I’ve also not had to disconnect any electrical cables. Once I had the plastic trim out refitted the control panel and light etc in to the plastic trim, and tied the whole thing back to the rear view mirror.

To access the remaining two screws of the black plastic strip, you can remove the trim around the roof area, where the opening is for the sliding roof cover. I basically unclipped the plastic trim from the front to around the sides, no need to 7ish any further, and the roof lining can then be lowered enough to access the two remaining screws. Once they are unscrewed, I then pull out the black plastic strip, you have to jiggle it from side to side, to get the right angle, but it will come out.

TBH I’m not sure what the black plastic strip does, as the foam is so tightly packed in, that the foam holds the pump in place. Unlikely other posts who have removed the pump, I did not have a metal plate with 4 screws to remove to free the pump.

I move the pump to one side, allowing me then to lower the pump out to access/see the reservoir. True VW style, the min/max levels are on the opposite side, making it hard to see and read the current oil level. The min/max oil level markers are horizontal. I believe my level is below the minimum. Picture of the pump and oil level (in vertical position). I had no leaks in the roof area.

I’m going to get some oil from VW tomorrow and fill the pump up, a small amount at a time. Fingers crossed, there is then enough then to close my roof, and it’s back to normal operation.

Assuming all goes well, the next step is to then investigate the RAM and pipe on the passenger side, as I suspect I’ve had a slow leak for sometime somewhere in that area. Maybe it happened when the van went in for the roof corrosion work.

This is the first roof issue I’ve had in 14 years, so can’t complain.









I added markers the min/max levels, so you can see how low the oil is, given the official markers are on the opposite side. I also opened the roof (as only the drivers side was originally going down a small amount), with the reservoir in a vertical position, so what little oil I did have, the pump could use, the roof went up super quick, and made the normal noise etc - so confident once I’ve hopped up the oil, the roof will work as normal.

Anyone bought VW G060 146 A2 hydraulic oil in the UK ? Quick internet search and it’s hard to find, so hopefully VW dealership have it in stock.




I added markers the min/max levels, so you can see how low the oil is, given the official markers are on the opposite side. I also opened the roof (as only the drivers side was originally going down a small amount), with the reservoir in a vertical position, so what little oil I did have, the pump could use, the roof went up super quick, and made the normal noise etc - so confident once I’ve hopped up the oil, the roof will work as normal.

Anyone bought VW G060 146 A2 hydraulic oil in the UK ? Quick internet search and it’s hard to find, so hopefully VW dealership have it in stock.

View attachment 118814

View attachment 118815

View attachment 118816
Came across 2 Eu sources and certainly not cheap oil so be prepared!


I added markers the min/max levels, so you can see how low the oil is, given the official markers are on the opposite side. I also opened the roof (as only the drivers side was originally going down a small amount), with the reservoir in a vertical position, so what little oil I did have, the pump could use, the roof went up super quick, and made the normal noise etc - so confident once I’ve hopped up the oil, the roof will work as normal.

Anyone bought VW G060 146 A2 hydraulic oil in the UK ? Quick internet search and it’s hard to find, so hopefully VW dealership have it in stock.

View attachment 118814

View attachment 118815

View attachment 118816
LLL parts
There supply is usually quick and price seems OK.
Google link to site below £84

That's a crazy price for the oil.
I bet it is a regular hydraulic oil of some type.
Probably available for £10 or so per litre if only there was a way to figure out what it is.
Must be an answer somewhere via Google!!!
That's a crazy price for the oil.
I bet it is a regular hydraulic oil of some type.
Probably available for £10 or so per litre if only there was a way to figure out what it is.
Must be an answer somewhere via Google!!!
So the pump and rams are made by a Company called Power-Packer in Holland.

They also make cab tilt systems for the US market.

I cannot be certain, but this is an extract from the US website and basically the recommended fluids are aviation ones


I suspect a trip to a local airfield with an aircraft mechanic would identify the fluid, I believe the red colour refers to compatibility of the oil and seals. The price is a LOT cheaper than the VW price. But is all about level of confidence before taking the chance.

Last edited:
I found this datasheet online for the VW oil, but unfortunately I can't see any reference to an alternative part number/supplier :


  • G 060 146 A2 - OIL.pdf
    57.8 KB · Views: 12
Thank you everyone for your help. I’ll call the garage in the morning to see if they have the oil and/or can get it.

It’s expensive, but if it fixes my roof issue, it will be worth it, and much cheaper than what a garage would charge to do the work.
Success, my van is fixed, a total cost of £104, the most expensive oil I’ve ever bought, but worth every penny.

I used about 120ml of the 1ltr oil. The difference is unbelievable, I’ve never known the roof go up and down so quickly. The sound of the motor is totally different.

What did i learn:

1) this forum is extremely helpful - massive thank you
2) you don’t need to be an expert to fix something, don’t be put off
3) if you don’t ask, you’ll never know
4) have a go, if it doesn’t work, you can always go to the garage
5) removing the control unit, light in the head unit to access the pump is easy
6) you don’t need to disconnect the batteries
7) you don't need to disconnect the wiring to the control unit
8) whilst I wouldn’t wish a stuck roof on anyone, you just don’t know. I’ve had my van since 2008 and done 200,000 miles with no issues. So I’d recommend checking out the pump so you know how to access it, and importantly, have the right tools in the van
10) I also swapped out the control button on the control unit at the same time, you You don't need to unclip the two ribbons, you can access the screws without having to. Easy job.

I was extremely lucky my roof failed at home, van on the drive and roof up. I think if I was away in the countryside, it would have been a totally nightmare. Although knowing what I know now, I would be able to fix it.

If it helps I’m happy to put together a pdf file showing what the issue was, what I did to fix it, what to look for etc

Finally, if anyone is in need of any hydraulic oil, I’ve got 880ml left, happy to share it.
Off topic a little .Please could you let me know who did your roof corrosion repair as mine was not covered with warranty.And will need a reputable paint body shop.
Many thanks Dave
Success, my van is fixed, a total cost of £104, the most expensive oil I’ve ever bought, but worth every penny.

I used about 120ml of the 1ltr oil. The difference is unbelievable, I’ve never known the roof go up and down so quickly. The sound of the motor is totally different.

What did i learn:

1) this forum is extremely helpful - massive thank you
2) you don’t need to be an expert to fix something, don’t be put off
3) if you don’t ask, you’ll never know
4) have a go, if it doesn’t work, you can always go to the garage
5) removing the control unit, light in the head unit to access the pump is easy
6) you don’t need to disconnect the batteries
7) you don't need to disconnect the wiring to the control unit
8) whilst I wouldn’t wish a stuck roof on anyone, you just don’t know. I’ve had my van since 2008 and done 200,000 miles with no issues. So I’d recommend checking out the pump so you know how to access it, and importantly, have the right tools in the van
10) I also swapped out the control button on the control unit at the same time, you You don't need to unclip the two ribbons, you can access the screws without having to. Easy job.

I was extremely lucky my roof failed at home, van on the drive and roof up. I think if I was away in the countryside, it would have been a totally nightmare. Although knowing what I know now, I would be able to fix it.

If it helps I’m happy to put together a pdf file showing what the issue was, what I did to fix it, what to look for etc

Finally, if anyone is in need of any hydraulic oil, I’ve got 880ml left, happy to share it.
A PDF would be useful.
Are you going to sort out the leak?
A PDF would be useful.
Are you going to sort out the leak?
I’m going to monitor it and see just how quickly it leaks again. I’ve had my van since 2008, so not sure when the leak started, so fingers crossed it doesn’t become an issue. I’ve got plenty of oil to top it up if I need to.
Off topic a little .Please could you let me know who did your roof corrosion repair as mine was not covered with warranty.And will need a reputable paint body shop.
Many thanks Dave
I used one of the 4 approved VW centres for the repair, Shorada in Cannock. I can’t comment on the other 3 centres, but the repair has lasted, so I’d happily recommend Shorada.

Heritage- Bristol
Benfield- Newcastle
AB Crush- Dover
Shorada- Cannock
Great outcome - and well done on the step by step plus photos. I’m hoping we never need to use this, but I’ll know what to search on the forum if we do!! Good job!
One of the best threads, illustrating everything that is good about this forum, that I've read in a long time. It's so satisfying to solve a tricky problem with the help of others, especially if the alternative means an expensive visit to VW.
Don’t want to steal this excellent post but just to add that the images 4 and 5 clearly show the location of the manual pressure relief screw that allows the roof to be dropped if there is no response from the roof control module/hydraulic motor.


The video link shows a roof manual lower and how to locate/access the screw without foam removal.

Would have been good to also show the tie down strap fitting to the roof rails (remember those tucked away in some obscure location in the van?)

Question for @dlewisjo what are these marks are they from the roof repair paint or were they just present when you opened things up?

We had a similar issue midway in our trip with a roofbox with light items. Quite scary to see the roof sag and twist

It started with the right side sagging, we tried to lower the roof but then only the right side would come down, leading to more twisting....

In the end we did a manual roof down, and for the remaining of the trip we bring the roof up normally, add 2 supports to keep it open, and lower with the screw.

I'll check the oil levels now, another possible cause IUC would be a faulty cylinder on the right side.

VW California Club
