Roof not Functioning!!



Anyone had problems with roof failing to work? Ours has just started indicating that the roof is open - when it isn't. Tried closing it but nothing happened - which seems fair enough as it wasn't open!! Tried raising it - to close it - but again nothing happened. All other functions on the control panel still work. Booked in for sorting in the new year but wondered whether anyone knew of an easy fix? Hoping its a simple software issue!! We haven't had the roof repair work done yet.
Mine occasionally plays tricks.
When I start opening it (engine running, always) then it sometimes stops after less than a second & the panel says "Roof open!".
At first I wondered if my finger had just slipped off the button, but now I am convinced that is not the case.
If I then reselect "open roof" & hold the button again, it always (so far...) opens correctly.
I decided to wait until the erratic problem becomes more repeatable, before asking VW for help, but will need to keep an eye on the approaching end of my garantee...
I am watching this thread with interest!
You could try resetting the control panel :thumb I think from memory you hold the button
Bottom right for a few seconds
Oh dear - thought the re-set idea sounded good (thanks Calikev) so tried it. Sadly nothing happened as the warning seems to over ride everything. So looked in manual and discovered that a flashing "roof open" symbol might mean the hydraulic pump has overheated - beginning to sound expensive - and the warranty has just expired!! Guess I'll find out in January.
I have had one vehicle with that warning flashing on and off for a few seconds which we managed to clear the fault with the hidden menu and VW Diagnose section. Did it give you a fault code at all?

Hi Alex

No - just the flashing symbol and the alarm sounding when we drive the van.
Did you get into the VW Diagnose menu on the roof control unit?
Push and hold the rotary knob and bottom button (directly underneath rotary knob) for a few seconds. This will lead you to a second menu system. Using the rotary knob, select the option that says VW Diagnose and select that. This will give you a screen with any logged fault codes in the roof control unit. To clear them, push and hold the bottom right button on the control unit.

Thanks Alex

It came up with fault 1000 and S58 to clear. I did the double push thing you described and after several iterations managed to get the roof up - but it kept stopping and the warning started flashing. It took about 20 pushes of the button to get the roof down again - its almost like something overheats and needs to cool down before the roof will move again - a couple of inches at a time. Using your fault clear clear routine I managed to get the warning sign out, the tick against "closed" and was able to turn off the control panel - which I couldn't before.

So - sounds like more than just a reset? I've got it booked in locally after Christmas and VW have said they'll consider some sort of help once the fault is diagnosed.

Thanks for your help - at least you helped me get it moving - I thought they were going to have to get a tin opener out to it!!

To clear the fault you push and hold the bottom right button once and hold that until the faults clear. No double push needed to clear the faults.

Ok - pulled up the fault - 1000 clear s58 - and pushed bottom right button and held - several times. Every time it just returned to the main menu with fault still flashing. I really do appreciate your patience Alex - but I'm clearly missing something in translation, which is not unusual these days!!! You must wish you hadn't got involved :doh !! But thanks for trying.
Ok, seems strange. If you are near me you could pop in and we could try a donor unit to make sure it is the unit at fault and not something else.

Let me know.

Just seen your post about leaving SMG. I don't post much but I do read a lot of what is posted and and I have found your contributions really very useful - you'll be greatly missed. So thanks and good luck for the future!!

Sorry to drag up this old thread but I am having the same problem with mine and need to fix it by Friday.

Do you know if the fix was rams or pump...or something else?


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