Screw in Tent Pegs

  • Thread starter California_Clarky
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Lifetime VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 204
I'm looking for some advice for tent pegs I've been using straight tent pegs but when it gets really windy the straight ones sometimes start to pull out the ground when I peg down the drive-away awning so I'm thinking about the ones with threads on, do you have to screw these into the ground I was thinking I could use my small impact drill/driver to do this - is this a worth while thing to look at and are any pegs better than the others
You need the long right angled pegs. Similar to below:

The screw threaded pegs are designed to be used with a driver/driver and are used for hard / rocky pitches. It’s supposed to save bending spike type pegs. I bought a set when we first got our van but not used them as I don’t want to fit in my drill. So, I don’t know how well they work in practice, but we’ve bent countless rock spikes. Some hard-standing pitches could withstand an aerial bombardment!
would I get them out the ground again ......
They are prone to bending.
I've settled on rock pegs and a (proper) hammer. You just have be patient and keep stopping & re-sighting the peg until you find a crack in the rock. Not much fun somewhere like Mull.
They are prone to bending.
I've settled on rock pegs and a (proper) hammer. You just have be patient and keep stopping & re-sighting the peg until you find a crack in the rock. Not much fun somewhere like Mull.
Agree, and a lump hammer not a claw/woodworkers hammer. A swift thump with a lump hammer is less likely to bend the pegs than many hits with a claw hammer.
Another vote for normal rock pegs and lump hammer, hammering the peg at 45 degree angle
I've been using these M10 and M8 coach screws exclusively for the last 3 years on soft and hard fields and hardstanding. Cheaper than than peggypegs.

A bag of 30 of them is quite heavy though, so I've got some thinner M6 ones for this year, but not yet tried them. I also got some plastic protectors to help protect the ropes from chafing on the screws.

Kids enjoy doing the tent pegs which means a job I don't have to do!

Pitched our drive away awning twice recently on hard standing. Once using lump hammer and rock pegs, once with impact driver and screw rock pegs with bolt heads. Impact driver definitely wins!!!.
The screw threaded pegs are designed to be used with a driver/driver and are used for hard / rocky pitches. It’s supposed to save bending spike type pegs. I bought a set when we first got our van but not used them as I don’t want to fit in my drill. So, I don’t know how well they work in practice, but we’ve bent countless rock spikes. Some hard-standing pitches could withstand an aerial bombardment!
My screw pegs have a T-top handle. No drill required.
We have a proper lump hammer, and still on some sites the rock pegs (and we’ve tried several “super strong” pegs) bend. Typically the sites that have the extra hard hard-standings are newish ones, or newly developed pitches. There seems to be a school of pitch design that requires a weak concrete base of about 50-75mm over aggregate, and finished off with 50mm layer of 20mm & down limestone /shale/ flint chipping. When you hammer in a peg, you‘re forced to have to break through this concreted layer - at the expense of a number of pegs. After a few seasons use, the pitches will be fine! We’ve seen this at CAMC Castleton (2 decent camping shops in the village to replace your bent pegs!), Tydden Isaf in Wales (some new pitches 2 years ago destroyed 1/3 of our pegs), and Trethem Mill in Cornwall (we wondered why all the caravanners were using drills and screw pegs for their awnings!).
I'm looking for some advice for tent pegs I've been using straight tent pegs but when it gets really windy the straight ones sometimes start to pull out the ground when I peg down the drive-away awning so I'm thinking about the ones with threads on, do you have to screw these into the ground I was thinking I could use my small impact drill/driver to do this - is this a worth while thing to look at and are any pegs better than the others
We have Peggy Pegs German product . Absolutely brilliant . Buy full kit, covers nearly everything . No Lump hammer . Screw will do .
I use long Torx head screws from builders merchant and a cordless drill when I need to drive in lots of pegs (screws) into the ground. For example when pegging out a drive away awning. Quick to peg out and remove. Half a dozen Peggy pegs for main guide lines.

VW California Club
