Signal in edale!



Home is where you park it
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
I've been camping in coopers campsite for years and never had a phone signal until today.

I picked up a Solwise higain aerial to improve campsite signal and TBH was a little sceptical about whether it would work. Within 5 minutes of pulling up the aerial has connected to a BT hotspot the network is set up and here I am online in coopers for the first time.

If you've got a rudimentary understanding of networks you'll find it's quite easy to set up and if not the available online help is quite good.

I'd certainly recommend it.
Hi Bob - I also stay at Coopers loads when I'm walking the ridges, and the "sorry couldn't cal home - no reception" is wearing a little thin now!

Last time I was there a chap had to walk back half way up Grindsbrook in the evening to let his friend know where he was staying.

Seems like there are no valid excuses now. Will have to call before I hit the Old Nags Head though.
I've been camping in coopers campsite for years and never had a phone signal until today.

I picked up a Solwise higain aerial to improve campsite signal and TBH was a little sceptical about whether it would work. Within 5 minutes of pulling up the aerial has connected to a BT hotspot the network is set up and here I am online in coopers for the first time.

If you've got a rudimentary understanding of networks you'll find it's quite easy to set up and if not the available online help is quite good.

I'd certainly recommend it.

Been considering something like this for a while, but confess, like you, I was a little sceptical. Also, 'Coopers' is not too far from us. We'd considered stopping over there as a pre-cursor to a few early walks.

Might have to try out both.

Thanks for the tip :thumb
I've stayed a couple of nights at the free car park on the lane up to Upper Booth. No pub though:(
We've got a similar setup to the Solwise one so its good to know you can now get a siganl down there.
I have the solwise setup too, I don't use it much but it works a treat when I need it.

I use the Solwise Rocket and one of their routers. Combined with fon (or bt account) free wifi all over the place.

VW California Club
