Sliding hatch to roof - Broken



VIP Member
Hello forum,

While driving I noticed that the roof hatch was opening slightly and with a further investigation it was clear that the bit of plastic that the hatch catches on is broken. It's seem to be part of the trim that runs around the outer edge the entrance. I assume it's a costly repair outside of warranty.

Anyone else has this problem and potentially found a fix?

Thank you
Very common indeed.
My fix was a folded bus ticket placed on the previous point of catching and it worked fine.
But I bought a Brandrup internal topper and the added bulk when the roof was down was enough to stop the sliding. An expensive fix but the fix was a side effect of its proper purpose.
You could try a blob of superglue type stuff and if you put on too much file it down with any rough surface.
Good luck
As Barry says... VERY common...

A small piece of the "soft" part of velcro at the start of the runner works wonders... just gives it a little more friction and that's all it needs.

Wonder if they've fixed this on the T6? It will be a good indicator if vw have been listening or not..... Or if they care.
Suspect if it was fixed on the T6 then it would be fixed on the models that have had it replaced as part of the roof fix program... which from personal experience, it hasn't...


Our vw ex demo already had the velcro upgrade(!) done when we bought it which worked for a while before it started sliding back again. Now I just wedge a bit of cardboard above the cover when I slide it shut and it works for me.

Sent from my Galaxy S6
I know we use the phrase "it shouldn't happen on a £50k vehicle" too much, but if they haven't fixed it on the T6, after 12 years of T5 owners wedging it closed with beer mats, then the phrase will be very justified!
Mine started to do it quite early on ,so took it back to the dealer and they re applied the fuzzy felt type strips and all has been good since.
I leave mine open a bit to let the canvas breathe a bit doesn't bother me really
Thank you for all the tips, i'll try the card approach but i'm really surprised they've not looked to improve this in later models as for a camper you open and close the roof a lot.
If you are in the que for the 'roof corrosion' repair the 'track' for the sliding hatch is replaced. I was lucky with my broken one getting replaced as part of that.

VW California Club
