Things went as well as I could have hoped for with my solar experiment.
I parked up at 11am on Thursday, connected my 60w Briefcase Solar panel to my leisure battery, ran my CFX-35 Waeco fridge at 1c, also ran lights, chargers and other stuff for 4 days and nights without further intervention.
The fridge was opened and used constantly all weekend, it chilled at least 80 cans during that period too.
I placed the panel facing roughly South, but it had a wind break quite close to the East and another van blocking the late sun to the West, so it was by no means optimally placed.
The weather, as anybody at the Grand Prix this weekend will know was... changeable!!
Before starting my Cali up yesterday lunch time, I checked the battery volts and was getting 12.4v (I don't have any whizzy battery calculator onboard)
All of this equals success in my book.
My annual trip to Silverstone is by far the longest period through the year that I rely entirely on my Leisure battery for power. Last year I had to start the engine on Sunday morning for an hour or so to get me over the finish line, so the solar gave me at least another 30 hours run time, if not significantly more.
Here are a few pictures of my set up...