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Sometimes you question ...



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West Sussex
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When you finish an event, two weeks before make or break surgery, in excruciating pain, you doubt, question, wonder if you will ever be able to run again ....

Then six months later answer the question

Sometimes the tears are deserved along with the smiles.

Congrats on getting to the finisch;)
well done jen i wish i could run
well done jen i wish i could run

I don't really run Kev, I plod along, stop for a breath, walk a bit ... and repeat until a big sign comes up with "FINISH" written all over it ... at which point I smile, collect the bling and wonder which wall Im going to hang it on :D
I don't really run Kev, I plod along, stop for a breath, walk a bit ... and repeat until a big sign comes up with "FINISH" written all over it ... at which point I smile, collect the bling and wonder which wall Im going to hang it on :D
doesnt matter jen its still a good effort
I wear this ring ever since doing the Camino de Santiago North Route by bike a couple of years ago. “Ultreia,” the medieval pilgrim’s greeting in Galician, roughly translated means, “Onward, searching in your inner self for strength you didn’t know you had.” From what I can see, you live this word every day, Jen. 23C43EB0-6E30-494D-8B4F-8ECB74F6D083.jpeg
I'm very impressed, you must be determined. When did you take up running? The mysterious thing is you look like you are ennoying it too!
Very well done
I'm very impressed, you must be determined. When did you take up running? The mysterious thing is you look like you are ennoying it too!
Very well done

I took up running in 2013, at the ripe old age of 66. I was coming to the end of 10 years of surgery, emotional disruption, more surgery, even more emotional disruption, surgery again.... and was physically and mentally on my knees. I just had to do something.

I also had a bigger motivation. In a moment of total stupidity I mentioned to the surgeon in 2012 that if he got me out of this mess then I would run a marathon for him.

I did that in 2017.
Well done Jen fantastic achievement. I’ll be running over the Tyne bridge in less than 2 weeks wish me luck

I might bump into you! I have a place in the GNR as well! Still torn whether to do that or my home one, Littlehampton .... to be honest with my heel still in recovery mode I will probably wait for the Royal parks 1/2 in October to step up to 13.1. My heel was a bit sore after Sunday, so giving it as much time as possible.

Good luck! It's a great event.
I might bump into you! I have a place in the GNR as well! Still torn whether to do that or my home one, Littlehampton .... to be honest with my heel still in recovery mode I will probably wait for the Royal parks 1/2 in October to step up to 13.1. My heel was a bit sore after Sunday, so giving it as much time as possible.

Good luck! It's a great event.
Thanks, that sounds like the sensible option. But when were runners ever sensible?
Well done ! London to Brighton next for me, but on a bike - much easier !
Well done ! London to Brighton next for me, but on a bike - much easier !

The fun way to do London to Brighton is with the Veteran Cars on Sunday 3 November.

You’ll cycle at about the same speed as they drive, very often on roads closed to all other motorised traffic or one way. It avoids the steepest hills over the North Downs and South Downs and trains accept bikes on the return journey.

Just remember, although this day is celebrating the end of road safety being taken seriously in this country, this is a day for +114 year old cars and they need to be given priority, with the exception of the small minority of veteran Penny farthings taking part who have absolute priority.

A fun winters day cycle ride.
The fun way to do London to Brighton is with the Veteran Cars on Sunday 3 November.

You’ll cycle at about the same speed as they drive, very often on roads closed to all other motorised traffic or one way. It avoids the steepest hills over the North Downs and South Downs and trains accept bikes on the return journey.

Just remember, although this day is celebrating the end of road safety being taken seriously in this country, this is a day for +114 year old cars and they need to be given priority, with the exception of the small minority of veteran Penny farthings taking part who have absolute priority.

A fun winters day cycle ride.
I’d pay to see you do that on a Penny Farthing Tom !
I’d pay to see you do that on a Penny Farthing Tom !
I rode much of the Dun Run alongside a modern Penny Farthing, but have never ridden one myself. Last time I rode London to Brighton with the veteran cars we did meet someone on a 140 year old 60 inch penny farthing.