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T6 Ocean 150
A couple of members have recently posted that they were having difficulties fitting the SpareSafe.
I thought it might help if there was a picture that people could refer to.
The first is from the rear of the vehicle taken last night, the second is looking from the side so you can see where it fits. Hope this helps.

sparesafe.jpg sparesafe2.jpg
Thanks Simon, this would be for the mechanically inept like myself ;-)

Like I mentioned on PM, with no safe in place I can thread in the Safe bolt and the VW security bolt with only minor adjustments, with the safe in place, both bolts keep cross threading, or jamming against something. I'll have another crack tomorrow. The other part of my ineptness was the positioning of the safe. I thought the barrel of the safe replaced the barrel of the bolt, rather than sitting below the spare wheel bracket. Anyway, lesson learnt, he who dares n'all that.
Good luck.
It's on, although I question the quality of the machining of the security bolt. I didn't want to use the VW bolt, just in case anything happened to the socket points and if they got caked in muck, it might be tricky getting the socket to connect. I loosened the main bolt also so I was able to get the plastic cylinder out, clean it and make sure there was no crud in the threads above. The Sparesafe bolt went in, but took a good dose of WD40 and working the bolt back and forth a little at the start.
Glad you're sorted.
Just having that big red block visible is, I believe, as big a deterrent to the random wheel thief as the security function of the SpareSafe.
Well done. It's a very exposed location so I suppose all the crud & muck off the road gets thrown up there and gets caked on. Well worth doing though. I live in the middle of Bristol and two of my neighbours have had their spare wheels taken from their T5s, mine wasn't. I'm hoping that was because of the SpareSafe being on there.
I don't think I'd be keen on changing a wheel on the van anyway. Jacking it up and then getting the tyre down would be a job I think I'd rather have the RAC do. It would be bound to be after dark & raining.
Actually, if you think about it, despite the Spare Wheel bolts being in an exposed location they cannot be affected too much as the "scrotes" don't seem to have too many problems taking them, if a SpareSafe is not fitted.:thumb
Have always felt that if the scrotes, scallywags, footpads and near do wells could use some of their obvious talents to do something useful and constructive, they would probably be very successful in life.
We had a JCB break down on an estate in Bristol. The fitters couldn't start it. The local youths did, after the fitters had left.
I am sure the scrotes can also use the internet and buy a Sparesafe bolt to undo the ones we have fitted too.
I am sure the scrotes can also use the internet and buy a Sparesafe bolt to undo the ones we have fitted too.
I'm sure they could but it would cost a lot more than they would probably get for a stolen wheel, especially when there are easier pickings around.
I've got a life to lead and a California to enjoy, so anything to move them on and let me enjoy my toy is fine by me.
Hi all, is the t6 spare carriage the same as the t5? Will the spare safe fit?
Sorry we have sold out of scratched sparesafes i will post up if we get anymore.
Just one thing to consider:

Mine has been lowered by 30mm, so, I am going to take a socket set with me on long trips as there is not enough ground clearence to remove the SpareSafe bolt with the VW lever in the kit. I could jack up the van first but would rather not be tying to remove the wheel when the vehicle is on the jack.
The options to buy with or without a bolt so my question is do I need a bolt or is that is its missing already?
Any damaged/scratched ones about yet?
You will need some kind of security bolt we sell them with or without because
Some people already have or prefer the VW locking bolt
HELP! please
I recently had the AA put the spare on.
We left the 'Sparesafe' off. I said I would pop it back on when I had the tyre fixed.
Now I can't get the 'Sparesafe' bolt to grab on and screw in. It feels like there is nothing for it to grab to.
Have I lost a nut or some other fixing?
I assume the AA man put the Spare Safe bolt back into the same place it came from and not a shorter bolt. Did he have to use the locking bolt to fit it back in?
Did you fit the Spare Safe yourself in the first place so you know where it goes and how it fits on?
The AA man left the Sparesafe bolt out for me to put back later.
It was the same bolt.
Yes I did originally fit the Sparesafe myself 3years ago.
So the bolt fits in and does up tightly if the Spare Safe is not in place, but won't with the Spare Safe. When it is fitted without Spare Safe in place is there much thread showing above the threaded part of the spare wheel holder.
I can't think of any reason why it doesn't fit. There is this handy little short video of how it fits which may help. Sorry I'm out of ideas.
So the bolt fits in and does up tightly if the Spare Safe is not in place, but won't with the Spare Safe. When it is fitted without Spare Safe in place is there much thread showing above the threaded part of the spare wheel holder.
I can't think of any reason why it doesn't fit. There is this handy little short video of how it fits which may help. Sorry I'm out of ideas.
Thank you anyway I will check the video.

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