I wasn't aware of all the differences between the rules on speed cameras in the different countries.
I've just checked the TomTom website for the situation in France. This is from the web site.
TomTom Speed Camera service and the law
Most governments and local authorities agree with us that the TomTom Speed Camera service makes driving safer. At TomTom we comply with (local) legislation and where necessary adapt our practice, as explained below.
Drivers who use a radar detector in Germany can be given a fine for doing so. However, it is not clear legally if this also applies to users of a GPS-based speed camera warning service. When in Germany, users must decide themselves if they want to use the service.
Users who are unsure of the rules governing the use of speed camera warnings in their area are advised to switch off the camera warnings on their device and to enquire at their local legal authorities. To find out how to switch off camera warnings, view our FAQ:
Enabling and disabling Speed Camera alerts.
TomTom’s service in France is certified to be 100% legal. Instead of warning for exact locations of cameras, TomTom warns for Danger Zones around any potential danger, including cameras.
Turkey, Switzerland, Cyprus, Macedonia
In these countries all Speed Camera warning systems are illegal. As such TomTom do not offer any content in these countries, and users driving in these countries do not need to manually change the settings of their device.