Spring Cali plans?


Gone, but not forgotten!
VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150 4Motion
After what seems like the longest, wettest Winter ever, the daffs are coming out, the lambs are gambolling about and it actually feels pleasant.

We have August booked in the Cali but nothing planned prior to that - anyone have any UK plans for the Spring to help inspire us? Preferably anyone with young kids too!
Decorating the house but may get away for a few days probably hunstanton norfolk :thumb
Looking at Lulworth Cove / Durdle Door for Easter on our way to Parents in Cornwall.
First night of the year will be on the In-Laws driveway in a couple of weeks for a family party.
Funnily enough that was also the scene of our first ever night in the van last year - but they all count in my book. :D
Managed 33 nights last year and already got 35 planned for this year. Can't wait! :D
They certainly do make staying at others houses a lot easier!

We've got 30 planned (a month in Europe) but that's it so far.

Might just stay somewhere nearby; my 3 year old daughter keeps asking if we can stay in it again!
Spring ?! Think it'll be a good 6 weeks at least until the daffs and lambs make an appearance here. I'm hoping to go skiing up at Glencoe in Feb half term - 4m of snow !

Kernowlad, I suggest you make the most of your Cali while your family's young and compliant - once they hit the teenage years the thought of boring camping with embarrassing parents is the last thing they want to do. As a family we'll probably just take weekends in the Cali this year. But it'll get far more use as my 'support vehicle' for various trips kayaking, climbing, walking, stargazing, cycling etc.
I will either be in Cornwall, devon and Somerset, or toodling around the South wales and Pembroke coastline.
James; looks nice. I do like that area a lot.

Ewan; good advice. We will enjoy it while we can!
We have already had 2 nights in London in January and are planning a couple of nights just outside Brighton in February. Want to try and get away as often as work will allow (other half works shifts including weekends and nights so not always possible).

We use the Cali every weekend when we go hashing - what's that I hear you ask? Bunch of people running around the countryside following a trail laid in sawdust and then ending up at the pub :lol:
My plan for Spring is to actually go camping in the van rather than fixing the :censor thing...
We stayed at that New Forest site too; it was great!
Hopefully nipping to the lakes on Thursday night, lakes again at Easter, keilder forest, isle of Aran, dalby forest, north wales and dorset planned in coming months. Have realised that you have to plan ahead if you want van pitches in school holidays, but hopefully will have many random trips as well
30 days in a row .... :lol: ..... we'll be lucky to get 10 in a row :headbang

little outing in april to new forest . ;)
Hoping to do a tour of the west coast of Scotland at Easter, if it warms up a bit. I won't think about booking anything until a week or two ahead, and I hope to try some wild camping for the first time. I'd love to take my scope to the dark skies site in Galloway Forest Park en route, but I'm not sure if it will squeeze in.

We're planning Lake District and Scottish highlands in May; Nancy, Lucerne, Venice, Como, Annecy and Clermond Ferrand in June; Spain and Portugal in September via Santander Ferry. Can't wait.
Last year, we enjoyed maiden voyages to Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Sweden and North Zealand (Denmark) in June; the Dordogne and Pyrenees in September; and lots of short trips to New Forest, Devon, Pembrokeshire, Llangollen etc.
Yes, we are retired and determined to do it while we can. The five grandchildren have all enjoyed trips in it as well, but not at the same time! Wonderful.
leightonjthomas said:
We're planning Lake District and Scottish highlands in May; Nancy, Lucerne, Venice, Como, Annecy and Clermond Ferrand in June; Spain and Portugal in September via Santander Ferry. Can't wait.
Last year, we enjoyed maiden voyages to Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Sweden and North Zealand (Denmark) in June; the Dordogne and Pyrenees in September; and lots of short trips to New Forest, Devon, Pembrokeshire, Llangollen etc.
Yes, we are retired and determined to do it while we can. The five grandchildren have all enjoyed trips in it as well, but not at the same time! Wonderful.

Blimey - hardcore Cali traveller award winner! :thumb
Rye/ Dungeness for a couple of days over half term- did someone mention a good wild camp/pub stop there? Booked a ferry to Holland for a week at Easter- hurrah :)
Got a long weekend planned in Hereford / Brecon Beacons for May. Campsite booked and just need to come up with some good bike routes.
June was going to be Brittany but due to ferry costs (for another person with a caravan) we've had a rethink and are now planning to go to the Lake District instead.
Our plans this weekend break will be Northumberland and hoping to get some good dark skies !
This is only our second trip out in the calli and hope to God its better than easter when we faced torrential rain, rain rain !!

Mind you its just the getting out there doing it.. Brilliant.

VW California Club
