Stop water in grand cali 600


nuno ribeiro

Faro, Portugal
Grand California 600
Someone can help?
I arrive in the camping, and everything ok.
Suddenly the water stops, the tank are full but the water dosent flow
Help please
Someone can help?
I arrive in the camping, and everything ok.
Suddenly the water stops, the tank are full but the water dosent flow
Help please
No idea if the Grand has similarities with the California, but check the following.
Does pump run with tap on? If not check fuses. Normally a 5 or 10 amp fuse. No idea where they are found on the Grand.
If fuses OK, check under sink, there should be 2 wires to tap, follow wires and there should be a plug. Unplug connector and bridge with a paper clip or similar the 2 pins on the connector that is not on the wires leading to tap. If water still not flowing then probably the pump.
Simple trick, open tap and blow down the tap spout vigorously to clear any air lock. If still no water then remove pump from water tank. May just be jammed or may need replacing.
No idea if the Grand has similarities with the California, but check the following.
Does pump run with tap on? If not check fuses. Normally a 5 or 10 amp fuse. No idea where they are found on the Grand.
If fuses OK, check under sink, there should be 2 wires to tap, follow wires and there should be a plug. Unplug connector and bridge with a paper clip or similar the 2 pins on the connector that is not on the wires leading to tap. If water still not flowing then probably the pump.
Simple trick, open tap and blow down the tap spout vigorously to clear any air lock. If still no water then remove pump from water tank. May just be jammed or may need replacing.
I believe there is a known issue with the Grand's water pump.
Lizzie and Sean of 'A Bus and Beyond' fame took a VWUK loaner down to Gibraltar earlier this year and had an issue with the in-tank water pump on this trip.

Have a look at their web site.

Someone can help?
I arrive in the camping, and everything ok.
Suddenly the water stops, the tank are full but the water dosent flow
Help please
Have you been able to sort the problem?
Greetings from Finland! We had same issue, but the "other way around". Our waterpump turned on itself and lived all own life. There was no effect by turning faucet on and off - waterpump stayed on or off regardless. So problem was in the kitchen faucet itself. It gave wrong electric impulses to the waterpump. Our dealer changed all faucet by guarantee repair. New part is a little bit defferent, makes a little on/off click sound and have a new part number/manufacturer. Hope this will solve your issue also. Regards M&T
There is a known issue with the central electronics :(
Many vehicle on the Continent have suffered the same problem; a software fix for the central electronics was supposed to fix it.
For a short term solution: switch the battery master off, wait and then back on.
Others swear that a short drive makes it work. For me, on closing the sliding door it sometimes worked.
if you are stuck, I ran a power line from the boot cigar socket to a switch and patched it into the pump.
I hope it all gets sorted.
We have a working water pump but no water coming out. Tried blowing / sucking air pockets, fuses etc. Any other fixes?
Road side assistance found what appeared to be a loose pipe in the main watertank. Fixed for now!

VW California Club
