Storage pockets for front Seats - in the way when swiveling?



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I have browsed some threads relevant for this issue, but not found a clear answer...

Is it possible without to much trouble to swivel the front seats, when having the Brandrup storage pockets mounted? Or is it quite cumbersome?

Are they anyway of good/great quality and is the mounting sturdy and robust - or is it with rubber bands that "grow tired" after a while of use?
We are talking brandrup top quality product
Myself i got some Brandrup items and all like them , no doubt they are quality product .
The one thing i don't have is the back pockets for the front seats , reason i think they be in the way most the time even when not swiveling the seats they take up space in the living area (where space is limited allready) .
Not talking about how they would be annoying in the way when swiveling the seats , my opinion .
Other said they loved them so it's all personal preference.
I shoud try and hang somthing simular/cheaper on the headrest , trow some stuff in and see how it works out before buying this expencife piece of kit...
The only thing putting me off them is that it must be impossible to get anything out when camping & the seats are swiveled & thats when we be wanting to use them.
The only thing putting me off them is that it must be impossible to get anything out when camping & the seats are swiveled & thats when we be wanting to use them.
This is their biggest problem, but I still find them useful. Having lots of small divided places is better than just chucking stuff in the wardrobe, so they are great for first aid kits, road maps, back-up sat navs, (doggy) poo bags etc etc.
Is it possible without to much trouble to swivel the front seats,
Yes I find there is not an issue. On second van but 1st set of seat pockets - still good as new (+one set second hand when we got them) and would expect a good % return if no longer needed and sold them.
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I would agree with @Meoncoast . We have had a set of Brandrup pockets for the drivers seat for a couple of years now. A very handy place for putting all the different phone charging leads, or the spare USB sockets, etc. Yes it is a little more difficult to turn the seat round with the pockets in place, but not much. If you need something out of them when it's turned round, just move the seat back for a moment. Their usefulness outweighs any slight inconvenience.
Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 13.12.17.png
Before you decide on the Brandrup pockets consider the Kangaroo pockets sold by We have both and found the latter ones better. The main problem with the Brandrup ones is that the pockets are tapered, which means that thicker items (e.g. a laptop, e-reader, books etc) don't reach the bottom of the pockets so you lose quite a bit of the storage height. The Kangaroo pockets fold open at the bottom so they are equally wide over the full height. I can't remember the respective prices but I believe the Kangaroo pockets are also cheaper than the Brandrup ones.
I find the standard pockets in the rear of the seats good enough to keep some stuff in .
Tablet and magazines in the leftone , fireblanket and flashlight in the one near the sliding door .
Got the storagebags on the right of the kitchenunit holding plastic waste bags ,.... and one on the right of the bench seat easy acces standing in the open sliding door as where we keep dog harnas in .
Works for us .

Those things you need to work out by your own needs .
I'v seen people holding a 15m hook-up cable in the drawer under under de benchseat witch i find very strange .
You will adapt things after a few trips , takes while to get all things as you want to , at least it took me a few trips:D

Here you can see how i used space in mine.
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We have one on the drivers seat, top quality, very useful extra storage. Drivers seat can be turned ok. We use ours mainly for gear that is useful on the move, binocs, tissues,wipes, chargers etc.
Great - thanks - less is more for us, why we will stuff only necessary gear in the car - but on the other hand go for high quality gear. And the Brandrup pockets seem at first sight like good quality that fits in well and are very suitable for all the small things, that you need to keep close at hand.

The Kangaroo pockets look nice too, but the Brandrup pockets comes in the same design as the seats and blends in.

I was afraid that the sviweling would be in jeopardy when mounting the Brandup storage pockets - I could see (and hear) myself cursing and swearing loudly, if the sviweling became cumbersome... :)
Do remember the driversseat is on the other side in the most that are responding here....or do you also have a RHD in Demark ;)
We use the back of the left seat to hang jackets and coats and under it is a garbage bin so we dont really have any use of the pockets. The seats have quite large pockets standard where we store some items like blankets that we like to have with us all the time.
I have a seat pocket on the left seat (passenger in UK) and its not a brandrup but it is very useful day to day. In a beach as there is no kitchen its not blocked for access.

You do need to tilt the seat a little further when spinning it but other than that its good. A little extra storage goes a long way in these vans :)
Oh and the window bags have been a revelation (thanks @Romke ), really were the solution we were looking for for us. No idea how they would be in an Ocean.
As with most things Cali related it’s very personal. I have the Brandrup pockets for both seats and yes a bit more difficult to swivel. We don’t tend to swivel the drivers seat anyway as there are just the two of us and I use the headrest as a location to mount the iPad if we fancy a spot of tv . Rare but useful on a wet winters night.
I use the pockets on that seat for most of the technical stuff, Bluetooth speaker, leads etc etc and we just move the seat forward and swivel the passenger one.

As above, any storage is useful and I would be lost without the convenience of storage in the living area.

Oh and the window bags have been a revelation (thanks @Romke ), really were the solution we were looking for for us. No idea how they would be in an Ocean.
So far there are no window bags for the Ocean/Coast/SE but the company that makes them ( have announced they'll have them from Feb onwards. Can't wait!
They make swivelling a bit harder but certainly not impossible, you just have to put the seats in upright position and open the doors everytime. I need the space!
We have waterproof seat covers on our Ocean .. would this interfere with fitting pockets on drivers seat (RHD) ?
We have waterproof seat covers on our Ocean .. would this interfere with fitting pockets on drivers seat (RHD) ?
no issues with ours

VW California Club
