Swap Scala seats for Indian Summer anyone?



I've got me a 2007 Cali packed with toys, brandrup goodies and khymer stuff. And it's unbelievably wonderful. I can't quite understand what I've done to deserve such a lovely thing.

But there's just one tiny little thing.

I know that the blue/grey Scala seats it came with are more practical and preffered by many, but I can't help liking the Indian Summer beige ones a bit more. Those are the ones in the brochure I have, and which I initially fell in love with.

So, I just thought I'd check to see if there is anyone out there is the opposite situation? If so, we should talk - as I understand that changing seats around is not such a big deal.

As a tiny sweetener, I should mention that our bench seats are covered in matching Brandrup second skin scala fabric - which have kept the back pristine and which of course I would be happy to include in any swap.

another option is to buy indian covers from brandrup & i would buy your current covers !

vwcampersales did have some indian summer covers for sale a while ago
yes they have summer beige rear covers £300,

that would be a good start , you may find fronts at some point?
Trying to find the Brandrup summer beige covers, but can't track them down - only the newer range of covers for the facelift models.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

did you look on vwcampersales.com for the rear covers?
I've got me a 2007 Cali packed with toys, brandrup goodies and khymer stuff. And it's unbelievably wonderful. I can't quite understand what I've done to deserve such a lovely thing.

But there's just one tiny little thing.

I know that the blue/grey Scala seats it came with are more practical and preffered by many, but I can't help liking the Indian Summer beige ones a bit more. Those are the ones in the brochure I have, and which I initially fell in love with.

So, I just thought I'd check to see if there is anyone out there is the opposite situation? If so, we should talk - as I understand that changing seats around is not such a big deal.

As a tiny sweetener, I should mention that our bench seats are covered in matching Brandrup second skin scala fabric - which have kept the back pristine and which of course I would be happy to include in any swap.

I've got me a 2007 Cali packed with toys, brandrup goodies and khymer stuff. And it's unbelievably wonderful. I can't quite understand what I've done to deserve such a lovely thing.

But there's just one tiny little thing.

I know that the blue/grey Scala seats it came with are more practical and preffered by many, but I can't help liking the Indian Summer beige ones a bit more. Those are the ones in the brochure I have, and which I initially fell in love with.

So, I just thought I'd check to see if there is anyone out there is the opposite situation? If so, we should talk - as I understand that changing seats around is not such a big deal.

As a tiny sweetener, I should mention that our bench seats are covered in matching Brandrup second skin scala fabric - which have kept the back pristine and which of course I would be happy to include in any swap.

hi do you still have your scirocco seats? i am currently trying to sorce a seat of dove grey scala rear seats and the ones you have described here could be what i need,
many thanks

VW California Club
