T5 10-15 Sportline Genuine OEM Front Spoiler (Painted) Suppliers?



VIP Member
T5 SE 140
Hi all

Can anybody recommend where else supplys T5 10-15 Sportline Genuine OEM Front Spoiler painted?

i have had a search and can only find Banwy that could supply one painted and Vanstyle that can supply a more expensive one un-painted.

Any suggestion???
Have you tried your local VW dealer body shop?
I had a rear spoiler fitted pre delivery, all painted to match. Not cheap but then I'd guess you want a good job.
Funny you say that!

Just came across the vw accessories shop online and they can supply and fit a painted one for £25 more than what van style would supply a un-painted and un-fitted spoiler.

I will contact local vw centre tomorrow and see if I can get one ordered. At least they will be able to fit the spoiler correctly.

Thanks for your suggestion BJG

VW California Club
