T5 180: Alternator V-belt failure leading to cam belt failure and damaged cylinder head



T5 SE 180
Just back from Europe in our T5 (53,000 miles) where (leaving a campsite in Switzerland) the alterator belt shredded on start up and got tangled in the cam/timing belt, wrecking the timing and the cylinder head. Cam belt had been replaced about 25,000 miles previously but don't think they did the alternator V-belt. Cost us £7000!

VW Switzerland recommend checks every 20,000 km, but nothing about this in the UK service schedule.

Assuming it's the standard T5 180 engine, I don't think the alternator/belt system is 'fit for purpose' on a Cali given that it has to charge 3 batteries, and when we were leaving the campsite (no hook up for 3 days), the 2 leisure batteries were flat. Huge load on the alternator via the belt so it needs to be pretty special if it's going to last as long as a cam belt.

Anyone aware of this problem, or has had a similar issue?
Sorry to hear your story, that is really unfortunate.
Service schedules for the California are very similar, if not the same as the transporters, which alternators will be only be under load for simple items like headlights and radio etc.
I would totally agree with you in that maybe they need to up the service interval for the belts on the alternator on the California, however your post may have helped others dodge this (myself for sure) from happening in the future. It’s definitely something I wouldn’t have really thought of.
Just back from Europe in our T5 (53,000 miles) where (leaving a campsite in Switzerland) the alterator belt shredded on start up and got tangled in the cam/timing belt, wrecking the timing and the cylinder head. Cam belt had been replaced about 25,000 miles previously but don't think they did the alternator V-belt. Cost us £7000!

VW Switzerland recommend checks every 20,000 km, but nothing about this in the UK service schedule.

Assuming it's the standard T5 180 engine, I don't think the alternator/belt system is 'fit for purpose' on a Cali given that it has to charge 3 batteries, and when we were leaving the campsite (no hook up for 3 days), the 2 leisure batteries were flat. Huge load on the alternator via the belt so it needs to be pretty special if it's going to last as long as a cam belt.

Anyone aware of this problem, or has had a similar issue?
Have you had the Auxiliary Belt Tensioner Recall?

Had a panic because I own a 64 plate 180 manual and plan to use it soon. I haven't received any information about the recall so I phoned VW garage. They checked records and it seems as though the vehicle had the tensioner issue sorted in 2017 (I didn't own the vehicle then). No further recalls were showing.
Our auxiliary belt snapped in France a couple of years ago. Changed under warranty in France and then it was done again in the UK later in the year when being serviced under the recall. I made sure that when it was changed in France they thoroughly checked the cambelt but we were lucky and it was OK.

VW California Club
