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T5 tap smoking



VIP Member
T5 SE 174
Hi guys.
The tap in my 2006 t5 has always been a bit fiddly. When it’s not running, it can sometime make the sound of a running tap but with no water coming out. I usually twist the tap unit one way or another until it stops.

Today while washing up, the tap unit got wet and started making the pump noise, the tap was turned off. From the under side of the tap on/off switch came a small sparking sound along with a small amount of smoke.
I’ve disconnected the electricity supply from under the sink. I figure faulty wiring but I’ve no idea where to start. I’ve seen the document on tap replacement but I’m afraid to do anything while I’m away travelling. I’m even more afraid of connecting the tap to the power source
Any ideas of a quick fix til I get home and can try pulling things apart?

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