T6 bike rack 4th arm



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Royal Borough of Greenwich
T6 Beach 150
This morning I went on a short journey in Amarillo, one that could have easily been done by bike.

On my return I saw lying in the road an object, as I got closer I saw that it was a T6 4th arm. I stopped, examined it, saw it was fairly badly damaged but just about useable, threw it onto the passenger seat, and went home chuffed that I had a spare, albeit damaged, 4th arm.

Later that same morning I packed the Cadac, a bottle of gas, and loaded my bike and the two boys bikes onto the rack, then discovered, to my horror, that my 4th arm was missing. What luck then that I found one earlier, albeit badly damaged, to use as a spare.

We went to the Lee Valley Country Park, stopping at Lidl on the way, which happened to be a big Lidl, and which Ben and Jack thought should be called Bigl, saving the name Lidl for little Lidls. Once in the park we cooked bacon rolls to fortify us for the bike ride ahead.

I digress. My question is where can I buy a replacement 4th arm at a reasonable price?


I've just answered my own question - the club shop sells them, and it is not impossible that I'll be able to swap the lock barrel over.

VW California Club
