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In response to several threads and various posts About the new upper bed system used in the T6.1.
I Thought this may be of use to those that have discussed if this was indeed possible.
I can confirm that it is possible to upgrade the wooden slatted upper bed in a T6 Beach to the Standard OEM Froli system used in the T6.1, it may be possible in an T5 Beach & T5/6 Ocean, but this post relates specifically to the T6 Beach which I can confirm is possible.
The work was carried out by CityGate Wooburn Green, who had never been requested to carry this out before.
method : This was carried out by the Dealer so may not be the exact order the works were carried out: the following is an indication of what was / is required to give an over view of the works involved.
1) Remove existing mattress completely
2) Remove existing living area head lining from existing wooden slatted frame: VW fixings along the sides of the headliner will need to be removed which will probably destroy them, if indeed they are actually still in place. (Plastic Push fit Fixings need to be replaced when fitting the new frame)
a) remove two screws at the front of the bed either side of the access hatch fixings either side of the headliner to the exist frame (to be removed)
b) remove the tambour access cover (slide forward out of plastic rails)
c) undo the Velcro ties to the centre of the slats ( holding the middle of the headliner under the wooden slats)
d) carefully remove the living area headliner and set aside.( to be refitted)
3. ) Remove the two gas ram fixings from the existing bed frame.
4) ) remove the hinge fixings at the rear or the bed (saving the screw fittings for reuse)
5) Remove the existing wooden slat bed frame ( slide forward and carefully lift one side up, to allow the frame to be removed from the van via the tailgate)
6) The T6.1 has only one fixing per side at the front to secure the headliner to the bed frame, the T6 has two holes for the fixings to attach to the headliner: (edited )
fitting is the reverse of of removal. Noting new plastic fixings to the sides of the headliner will be required.
the time to carry this mod out was about three hours, so quite doable with a modicum of common sense and some DIY skill
Please don’t ask me to disclose cost, (I do not have the part numbers of the components either).
this will be dealer dependent, but suffice to say this is the first time the dealer has attempted this and did so reluctantly (initially) ,
therefore you will need to make your own enquiries regarding parts and labour cost if you are interested.
Subsequently (post fitment) I asked City Gate Woburn Green if they would be happy to carry this out for others, which they confirmed they would.
The Bed is obviously of factory order and took approx three weeks to arrive.
see photos below of the new bed system Fitted.
A test sleep has not been carried out as yet (the princess who requested it has not had the opportunity to try it out yet) although on a very quick initial try I would say it makes the bed feel more stable when accessing and less lumpy Particularly to a side sleeper like me.
the original matress and foot end infill pad was retained and re used.
I hope this is helpful to others and shows the possible upgrade from the slatted upper bed to the T6.1 OEM Froli system.
A big thanks to Citygate Wooburn Green Service department for accepting to take this on.

Edit: images of original bed frame / slats for reference

I Thought this may be of use to those that have discussed if this was indeed possible.
I can confirm that it is possible to upgrade the wooden slatted upper bed in a T6 Beach to the Standard OEM Froli system used in the T6.1, it may be possible in an T5 Beach & T5/6 Ocean, but this post relates specifically to the T6 Beach which I can confirm is possible.
The work was carried out by CityGate Wooburn Green, who had never been requested to carry this out before.
method : This was carried out by the Dealer so may not be the exact order the works were carried out: the following is an indication of what was / is required to give an over view of the works involved.
1) Remove existing mattress completely
2) Remove existing living area head lining from existing wooden slatted frame: VW fixings along the sides of the headliner will need to be removed which will probably destroy them, if indeed they are actually still in place. (Plastic Push fit Fixings need to be replaced when fitting the new frame)
a) remove two screws at the front of the bed either side of the access hatch fixings either side of the headliner to the exist frame (to be removed)
b) remove the tambour access cover (slide forward out of plastic rails)
c) undo the Velcro ties to the centre of the slats ( holding the middle of the headliner under the wooden slats)
d) carefully remove the living area headliner and set aside.( to be refitted)
3. ) Remove the two gas ram fixings from the existing bed frame.
4) ) remove the hinge fixings at the rear or the bed (saving the screw fittings for reuse)
5) Remove the existing wooden slat bed frame ( slide forward and carefully lift one side up, to allow the frame to be removed from the van via the tailgate)
6) The T6.1 has only one fixing per side at the front to secure the headliner to the bed frame, the T6 has two holes for the fixings to attach to the headliner: (edited )
fitting is the reverse of of removal. Noting new plastic fixings to the sides of the headliner will be required.
the time to carry this mod out was about three hours, so quite doable with a modicum of common sense and some DIY skill
Please don’t ask me to disclose cost, (I do not have the part numbers of the components either).
this will be dealer dependent, but suffice to say this is the first time the dealer has attempted this and did so reluctantly (initially) ,
therefore you will need to make your own enquiries regarding parts and labour cost if you are interested.
Subsequently (post fitment) I asked City Gate Woburn Green if they would be happy to carry this out for others, which they confirmed they would.
The Bed is obviously of factory order and took approx three weeks to arrive.
see photos below of the new bed system Fitted.
A test sleep has not been carried out as yet (the princess who requested it has not had the opportunity to try it out yet) although on a very quick initial try I would say it makes the bed feel more stable when accessing and less lumpy Particularly to a side sleeper like me.
the original matress and foot end infill pad was retained and re used.
I hope this is helpful to others and shows the possible upgrade from the slatted upper bed to the T6.1 OEM Froli system.
A big thanks to Citygate Wooburn Green Service department for accepting to take this on.

Edit: images of original bed frame / slats for reference

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