Table Rattle / Vibration

Aidy P

Aidy P

Don't play that 'What If?' game, you'll never win!
T6 Ocean 204 4Motion
After 7 years of ownership I have decided that the thing that annoys me most about my van is the damn rattling table.

All the bits that can be tightened are.
It’s always put away correctly.

It just seems that there is always a slight gap on the runner which then causes vibration.

I’ve tried wedging cloths under the table, adding tape to the runner to create a narrower run and more cushioning. It still bloody rattles all the time.

Has anyone come up with a fix please as it can’t be unique to me? Thanks
I put a strip of velcro on the underside of the table. The other bit is attached to the leg. The leg stays in place. No more rattle.
Thanks. It’s not the leg rattling. It’s the table on the runner. Its been tightened with an Allen key but still vibrates
I was beginning to be annoyed by the rattle from the table, but i then thought I have a very nice stereo in the 6.1 so not a problem anymore LOLOLOL
I share your pain ! And went through the same steps.
I actually found, after a process of elimination, that much of the table rattle was caused by the short, extendable leg part (plastic) rattling in the longer, metallic part. Perhaps use has worn a wider gap between the two than when new ?
A piece of adhesive-backed cloth tape placed strategically on the extendable part when it's retracted seems to have sorted it.... for now !
We find ours rattles if you do not push the table in properly. It can click in place with the table a little too far towards the seat and if so it rattles. The actual lock is with the table more towards the units, which we now do with a slight pressure on the table top as we slide it in. Zero rattles in this position.
After 7 years of ownership I have decided that the thing that annoys me most about my van is the damn rattling table.

All the bits that can be tightened are.
It’s always put away correctly.

It just seems that there is always a slight gap on the runner which then causes vibration.

I’ve tried wedging cloths under the table, adding tape to the runner to create a narrower run and more cushioning. It still bloody rattles all the time.

Has anyone come up with a fix please as it can’t be unique to me? Thanks
I had a look at the runners under kitchen table today and found they have perished,so i have pulled them off and replaced them with a similar size rubber o ring in the hope that will cure the rattle
I find that with the levelling ramps (Thule ones) sent down the gap between the table and the side the drawer from inside the boot, the table never rattles. I only know it does when they're not there when I take the van to the dealership and empty it first!

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