Tailgate Gas Struts (uprated 1270N version )



T6.1 Ocean 204
Hi just recently fitted a VW Bike rack on my 6.1 Ocean and immediately noticed that the tailgate no longer stays up. My previous T5 with the 1250N struts always stayed up including in winter and that’s with screen cover stuffed in one chair and roof topper in the other chair in the zipped compartment. Even with a bike on the rack it would hold up once pushed to fully open.

My 6.1 Ocean has the 1270N struts, however with just and empty bike rack and nothing but the chairs (and at outside temperatures around 15C) the tailgate hardly comes up when opened and has to be lifted most all of the way up. Once fully up it immediately drops about an inch and then slowly lowers (sneakily quietly) till it reaches a tipping point and and drops closed (unfortunately with me standing under it!) I take it this isn’t right and I’m assuming I’ve got duff struts? I’ve tried the pumping tailgate up and down etc and holding fully open for several seconds but to no effect.

Just wanted to check my expectations aren’t misplaced before raising with VW when in for a service soon.
Hi just recently fitted a VW Bike rack on my 6.1 Ocean and immediately noticed that the tailgate no longer stays up. My previous T5 with the 1250N struts always stayed up including in winter and that’s with screen cover stuffed in one chair and roof topper in the other chair in the zipped compartment. Even with a bike on the rack it would hold up once pushed to fully open.

My 6.1 Ocean has the 1270N struts, however with just and empty bike rack and nothing but the chairs (and at outside temperatures around 15C) the tailgate hardly comes up when opened and has to be lifted most all of the way up. Once fully up it immediately drops about an inch and then slowly lowers (sneakily quietly) till it reaches a tipping point and and drops closed (unfortunately with me standing under it!) I take it this isn’t right and I’m assuming I’ve got duff struts? I’ve tried the pumping tailgate up and down etc and holding fully open for several seconds but to no effect.

Just wanted to check my expectations aren’t misplaced before raising with VW when in for a service soon.
Not correct. Need replacing.
Thanks WelshGas didn’t think this was right based on previous experience of our T5 but thought we would check as still getting used to those little changes on the T6.1 version
This is quite interesting; we've got the 1270N struts on ours and I've noticed I have to encourage the tailgate up the last bit of travel when it's around 10 deg C. We've got a tailgate rack yet to fit too. Yet, when it's been warm, it's a proper workout to pull the boot closed!
This is quite interesting; we've got the 1270N struts on ours and I've noticed I have to encourage the tailgate up the last bit of travel when it's around 10 deg C. We've got a tailgate rack yet to fit too. Yet, when it's been warm, it's a proper workout to pull the boot closed!
Normal, and will require more encouragement as the temperature drops.
Very difficult to get struts that will work happily across a temperature gradient of 50-60c, summer to winter.
Could almost do with a little secondary piston with a lever on it; snap the lever shut, forces the secondary piston with a line to the main strut to increase the overall pressure of the system - a "winter lever".
Could almost do with a little secondary piston with a lever on it; snap the lever shut, forces the secondary piston with a line to the main strut to increase the overall pressure of the system - a "winter lever".
Or just push up.:thumb

No need to over complicate, because you would then need something to bleed off pressure in a 40c summer in Italy or Spain.
Or just push up.:thumb

No need to over complicate, because you would then need something to bleed off pressure in a 40c summer in Italy or Spain.
Flip the lever open! My tailgate requires pushing up at 10 deg C without a bike rack on it (and I have one waiting to fit) - with one on I can imagine it will refuse to stay up in anything other than tropical weather.
Flip the lever open! My tailgate requires pushing up at 10 deg C without a bike rack on it (and I have one waiting to fit) - with one on I can imagine it will refuse to stay up in anything other than tropical weather.
I suspect we just happen to have duff struts which need replacing. It’s been 20c today and my tailgate just about stayed up, still had to lift it all the way up, as no initial self lifting when opening. I know that’s not right based on previous Cali and others experiences.
Worth bearing in mind that when you order the van they uprate the struts depending on whether you ordered a bike rack and also if you have double glazing in the rear - to account for more load etc. .....I was told this anyway. I have a T6 beach and reserached the heck out of this as I have bike rack plus other gear stowed in with the tailgate chairs. Mine only just copes to hold up but the cheap option for safety (rather than new struts which may damage the mounts) is a strut lock

See thread
Mounting two light weight folding bikes on the Fiamma rack on my 2005 Cali, requires a push up and use of a clip-on lock on one of the struts - despite them being new 1270N - in order to guarantee safe use of the raised tailgate. Never trust the struts on an open, loaded gate.
Worth bearing in mind that when you order the van they uprate the struts depending on whether you ordered a bike rack and also if you have double glazing in the rear - to account for more load etc. .....I was told this anyway. I have a T6 beach and reserached the heck out of this as I have bike rack plus other gear stowed in with the tailgate chairs. Mine only just copes to hold up but the cheap option for safety (rather than new struts which may damage the mounts) is a strut lock

See thread
All Californias have/should have the 1270 struts because of the added weight of the chairs. Has nothing to do with ordering bike racks/ double glazing or not, I’m afraid.
Is the answer a 6’ rod carried in the boot and through the slot at the side of the rear seat?. Open the boot, pull out the rod, push boot lid fully open and slip the rod out and upright to hold up the boot lid. Might be cheaper than new struts?
Is the answer a 6’ rod carried in the boot and through the slot at the side of the rear seat?. Open the boot, pull out the rod, push boot lid fully open and slip the rod out and upright to hold up the boot lid. Might be cheaper than new struts?
We use these if we need to keep to boot open for short periods with 4 bikes (our boot stays open by itself with 2 bikes on the rack); , they just slide over the thin part of the boot struts and stop the boot from closing:

It's about 12 Celsius and my tailgate with uprated struts sits in this position. (With bike rack and some wind stopper panels stored with the chairs).

I had a Telescopic Velux window pole replaced under warranty and was left with the broken old one. This fits very nicely in the tailgate hand strap space to prop up the tailgate. When not in use, I store it on the bike rack. This is my solution. (But still rather amazed that it is necessary !!)





As original poster on this I thought I would do an update. I was in for a service today and raised issue re the gas struts. Initial response was on testing in the workshop the tailgate held up. I pointed out they had to lift it up fully from closed position (no self lifting at all by struts) and the tailgate just required lightest touch and it came fully crashing down. As they are a commercial VW service dealership only (don’t sell California) they recognised they don’t have much experience of campers or what’s supposed to be normal re this setup. Did remember however one previous California customer who struggled with just how quickly the tailgate sprung up and how hard it was to close. So agreed to submit a warranty claim for replacement (they don’t have the struts in stock either but will order) and would phone me when and if VW clear request.

Will update once I hear further.
As OP thought I’d update the thread. Didn’t get my call from the garage re warranty claim so I phoned them a couple of weeks ago. They had the new struts delivered and in stock but still no response from VW re warranty approval. Anyway they booked me in (which was for this morning). Went in first thing this morning and job done in 40 minutes and on my way home again before 9am can’t complain about that sort of service. By this time my ‘faulty’ struts didn’t hold the tailgate up at all in any position and was very heavy to lift from a closed position.

So new ones fitted and while not exactly springing up, it’s much easier to lift and once to top position will hold steady if I hold for a second or two just to let struts settle. It’s only +4c temp this morning so good cold test. At least it’s usable again (as in without me doing a contortionist act holding tailgate while in back storage area) let’s see how it goes over winter/spring.
It's about 12 Celsius and my tailgate with uprated struts sits in this position. (With bike rack and some wind stopper panels stored with the chairs).

I had a Telescopic Velux window pole replaced under warranty and was left with the broken old one. This fits very nicely in the tailgate hand strap space to prop up the tailgate. When not in use, I store it on the bike rack. This is my solution. (But still rather amazed that it is necessary !!)

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Looking back over this thread as the cold weather has now brought on collapsing boot syndrome. As it happens I've been decorating this week (boo!) and have found that the telescopic extension poles that attach to paint rollers do a similar job. So now I have a use for my decorating surplus. Hooray!

Available from all good DIY stores (and Amazon):

Harris Seriously Good Aluminium Extension Pole, 3m https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0866PS7FN?tag=unique09f-21
Looking back over this thread as the cold weather has now brought on collapsing boot syndrome. As it happens I've been decorating this week (boo!) and have found that the telescopic extension poles that attach to paint rollers do a similar job. So now I have a use for my decorating surplus. Hooray!

Available from all good DIY stores (and Amazon):

Harris Seriously Good Aluminium Extension Pole, 3m https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0866PS7FN?tag=unique09f-21
I've been using one of those for a while, particularly useful with bikes loaded on the carrier. For storage, I just slot it in where the chairs are stored in the tailgate. Just need to make sure to remember when you unzip the compartment, or the pole may come flying directly onto your face

VW California Club
