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Telephony cradle for i phone 5



Guest User
Hi, My cali (2006) has the full telephony stem with a nokia cradle left in it, I am hoping to get an i phone 5 cradle to replace it but struggling to find one. Would very much appreciate any advice and guidance from anyone who has an i phone system in their Cali, even if it is i phone 4, I have the lightning adaptor but don't know if that works with the cradle or not. At the moment I am having to make do with another bluetooth device (Jabra cruiser 2) that streams music and calls via the radio, it works well, but if I can get the official iPhone cradle that would be brilliant. Thanks :headbang
I think those old Nokia kits are a bit dated now, and I doubt you will get an iphone adapter and if you did it would be quite limited in features. Do you have any way of telling the part number.

The Cark91 is really old and probably bin fodder. If it is a Cark 7w then at least that is bluetooth, these ones have a separate silver button with blue lights round.

It might be better to fit a more modern unit like the parrot which will support the latest phones and features such as streaming. It is pretty easy to swap a Nokia kit for a parott as someone will have done most of the cabling for you.

If you have a mfsw then you could consider a genuine VW kit from eBay.

Finally if it is the dash mount you want then I can recommend brodit mounts.


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Thanks T, will do a bit more research on your recommendations and see what I can find. :D

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