Doug Curran
VIP Member
We came to a point where our '93 T4 Westfalia - a strong favourite of West Coast Canadian campers, had at 27 years, become a candidate for our change. But as the T5 and later VW vans were never imported to North America after 2001, the choices are few. Recently Transport Canada changed the import criteria to allow vehicles 15 years of ago (by month and year) to be imported, thus setting in gear a search for a worthwhile candidate of reasonable mileage and condition, given a 15 year age. A search of online services and a suitable export agent has yielded a 2005, one-owner, 190,000 kms. candidate with full "cheque book" service record. We are thrilled at the prospect of a November delivery, while at the same time knowing that this is in effect a bit of an "orphan", with perhaps only one other in Quebec. With luck we will begin to see a growing awareness and appetite for these upgraded and modernized campers. The popularity of these vehicles in England and Europe is encouraging, although the parts supply lines are somewhat daunting and will need tending.