Thinking of buying parts from TPS?



T5 Beach
While visiting my local TPS in Coventry I noticed a sign in the window advising they will only supply parts to those in the trade, requesting proof of this and directing everyone else to the nearest dealer for parts.
Have heard of this at other TPS branches but Coventry has always had a steady stream of walk-ins at the counter until now, I guess they’ve decided it’s too much hassle and the dealers want some parts trade back.

Are there any TPS branches still happy to serve non-trade or is this now national policy?
i think this is now going national i have hear of a few now doing this
This is pretty standard now at all TPS trade counters, best try your local dealer or club shop as they ordered in some bits for me and was only a few pence more than TPS
Must be a new thing as I have never had any problems buying from our local TPS. Mind we don't have a van centre now within thirty miles which may make a difference.
I’ve always used TPS for parts. Maybe worth opening a trade account.
Perhaps they are trying to make private owners use the very lucrative service departments.
Er ... what’s TPS?
Doesn't really make good business sense, the discount offered was minimal especially when most normal dealer parts departments will, if pressed, give the same.
Perhaps it's just to cut down on the small counter sales / staff serving time.

Probably were upsetting their main trade customers who are probably the majority of their income, by selling direct to their customers it leaves little room for profit for them..

If you are desperate let me know I can probably get a few things via a relative with a trade account.
If you speak to Shane at the club shop, they can get parts in for you, turns out the item I needed was stocked by them anyway.
I was always under the impression TPS was trade only. However, they’ve sold me parts whenever I walked in.
Best to know your part numbers too
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As someone in the trade already it’s not a problem for me at the moment.
I guess the time spent dealing with the public who are less likely to know exactly what they need and more likely to walk away when they hear the price is not cost effective.
I suspect a cash sale without an account is still possible if you know someone working there and don’t mess them about.

VW California Club
