Thinking of California



Looking to buy
Hi all. I've worked in the City for 44 years. Am now thinking of buying a Cali and just going off touring for a couple of years solid. Would you say that was feasible, or is the motor home strictly a holidays-only type lifestyle?

I did it for 15 months solid, on the go most of the time. Cali has severe limitations for a long period, but then you can get to many spots a MH can't go.

On balance from what you say, a MH would seem more appropriate.
Perfectly feasible in a Campervan, which is what the majority of owners of the California refer to their vehicle as.
A Motorhome has a different connotation, usually white, usually with a large wheelbase, with fitted toilet, fitted shower and heavily dependant on mains electricity to run the microwave, tv etc and with a large gas tank for the central heating, cooking, hot water and fridge. It normally travels with and parks with the HGV's.

The California can go where a large car can go and almost as fast. Can carry and sleep 4. Has cooking and washing facilities with storage and fridge. Has no hot water or on board fixed toilet but has a marvellous diesel heater for all year round camping. It can remain off grid, ie: no mains supply for 3/4 days but longer with solar power and sun.
If you plan on travelling for extended periods then using a combination of California, the occasional good campsite and maybe even a hotel now and then, then it is perfectly doable and you could get to some marvellous places.
I would suggest hiring to try it out before buying.
I think that I could do it, but it would not be solid in the Cali. Every so often I would just have to pull up at a hotel for a couple of nights, walking in and out of the shower, eating in relaxed surroundings, enjoying a great big bed, being able to walk around without going outside, watch the television...

Then off again.

I could do it even less in a motorhome. When I had mine I got to the point where I dreaded starting the thing. It was slow, big, cumbersome and with me being an inquisitive wotsit very prone to being driven down roads that are too narrow, too twisting, too broken... in fact, just the sort of roads that the cali seems to thrive on.

It depends where you want to go but if it is adventure on 4 wheels the Cali is brilliant, just not all the time, most of the time.... but not all....
I think the thing is that if you have worked for 44 years, which must mean you are likely mid 60s. And you want to tour as you say solid for 2 years, I just can't see why anyone would buy an expensive camper van like a VW when for less you could get a MH with all the bells and whistles.

If your away for that period your boot in a Cali would be full I guess. That means using the bed up top and climbing up there every night. A MH may have a made up bed ready to flop into.

I speak as a person who when far younger than you are likely to be, slept in a Cali while going through 22 countries over a 15 month period.

I still have my Cali and intend to keep it long term
Wow chaps thank you so much, this was exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for! I think I'd be quite happy to do the occasional B&B or hotel. I don't really want the whole motor home thing for the same reasons you mention. I'm sure a lot of the time I will be on campsites. The idea was to travel the coast of the U.K. I kind of have this idea in my mind of being in the camper van in bed when it's raining outside! So I suppose I need to start researching what kind of spec I would need.
I'm 62 by the way and a very fit 62...
You could hire one for your next holiday to try it out and see how you get on before committing to buy, might be a less risky way to go.
Hi and welcome , seems you got some anwsers to you Q .
Just try it out , the money you get selling the Cali if it doesn't work out wil get you a motorhome ....
Hi all. I've worked in the City for 44 years. Am now thinking of buying a Cali and just going off touring for a couple of years solid. Would you say that was feasible, or is the motor home strictly a holidays-only type lifestyle?

We have a Beach on order for 12 - 15 months touring Europe June 2017 - summer 2018 with our two pre-school boys and two dogs. However, we plan to sleep in the campervan just 15 - 30% of the time, renting other people's holiday homes or similar as we travel about.

Our choices were:
Car and tent
Car and caravan

We ruled out the motorhome as it is pretty much a single purpose vehicle.

The caravan was ruled out because of the difficulty parking when the caravan is attached.

The tent was ruled out as four season camping is not an option for a family with young children.

A nice benefit of the Beach is the triple purpose of the vehicle: family car, van (with seats removed) and four person sleeping accommodation. I would hope that we will keep the vehicle for at least ten years for family camping holidays.
Wow chaps thank you so much, this was exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for! I think I'd be quite happy to do the occasional B&B or hotel. I don't really want the whole motor home thing for the same reasons you mention. I'm sure a lot of the time I will be on campsites. The idea was to travel the coast of the U.K. I kind of have this idea in my mind of being in the camper van in bed when it's raining outside! So I suppose I need to start researching what kind of spec I would need.

I must admit, if it wasn't for family and professional commitments then I would do the same.

I am on the last leg of doing the whole of the UK coast, the only problem being that as I have become adjusted to the Cali, got it just about right for me, every time I jump into it so I have yet another new idea come into my brain so the grand projects get put on the back burner for a while.

Yes it gets cramped at times, and as Bern says, sometimes the faffing around to just get into bed when all I want to do is flop for an hour, can be tedious but then, thats when I would take a break. A few days, probably no more than three.

The hardest thing, for me, about owning a Cali, is when commitments stop me from living in the thing :D

It must be my nomadic ancestors coming out in me.
We hired 3 times before we purchased, after the first attempt we said it was OK but not really value for money, 2nd time it seemed to make more sense and after the third time we were sold!
I think the reason we came round to the idea was on our first attempt we threw a couple of kit bags in the boot and wobbled off to France, camping at sites and eating out every night only sleeping in it, a very expensive tent so to speak. The second time we knew what to expect so packed various bags for the various storage areas so it all made a little more sense, purchased some food on route and did a little cooking and the final time we took our bicycles & running kit, loaded the fridge, hung clothing up etc and really made it ours for the week with some wild camping in the Alps, SOLD
If we hired only the once we wouldn't have purchased.
We hired 3 times before we purchased, after the first attempt we said it was OK but not really value for money, 2nd time it seemed to make more sense and after the third time we were sold!
I think the reason we came round to the idea was on our first attempt we threw a couple of kit bags in the boot and wobbled off to France, camping at sites and eating out every night only sleeping in it, a very expensive tent so to speak. The second time we knew what to expect so packed various bags for the various storage areas so it all made a little more sense, purchased some food on route and did a little cooking and the final time we took our bicycles & running kit, loaded the fridge, hung clothing up etc and really made it ours for the week with some wild camping in the Alps, SOLD
If we hired only the once we wouldn't have purchased.
I was the same Pete, ....I remember posting on here after our first hire. That I liked it but wouldn't buy.....hired again,,,,,,,then bought
I am glad I hired as it also helped me choose what options I wanted, like the bigger engine, DSG , privacy glass, parking sensors etc
Vast majority of UK Cali owners seem to be retirees and empty nesters. I would say it's a great vehicle for your plan, but be more ambitious! You could see much of europe and North Africa in a couple of years touring.
I would head south aswell
The Cali works well if it is cold and wet.....but it is much nicer, and eaisier, if it is hot and dry
And if new, your VW assist works all over Europe
Hi all. I've worked in the City for 44 years. Am now thinking of buying a Cali and just going off touring for a couple of years solid. Would you say that was feasible, or is the motor home strictly a holidays-only type lifestyle?
Personal view, but if I was looking for a vehicle to take on a 2 year long trip, I think I'd go for a small motorhome. There are plenty on the market now that are not that much bigger than the Cali. Depends to an extent what your plans are. I very much recommend trying before you buy
I have no experience with MHs, but if I was looking for a 'crossover' option between a Cali and a coach-built MH I might be tempted to look at a conversion of a VW Crafter other similar van format. Advantages for a long haul would include:

- Not much wider than a Cali and you can still park it in most 'normal' car parking spaces - although of course the hi-top limits you for some car parks.
- Enough extra space (length and height) for a proper WC/shower etc, water heating, etc.
- Having a permanent hi-top means significantly more storage potential - depending of course on how it's configured (although you could of course put a hi-top on a Cali or a Transporter conversion).

A friend has a custom-converted 4WD Crafter which he moved up to after owning a Cali, but he wanted just that bit extra space for longer trips. I thought it looked like a really good 'middle way'. I must say, just as a sample of one person, I'd certainly be looking at something like that rather than a Cali, for a two year ramble.

Nevertheless, I'm sure the advice to test out with a Cali initially is good.
If losing the ability to get under 2m car park barriers is being considered, then the modern version of mine is worth a look. Just over a foot longer than a Cali. vwcampersales are Westy agents and just delivered two of these. You need to swot-up on the spec and options if you want to replicate the comfort and power of the Ocean spec Cali, but it can all be ordered

VW California Club
