Thread Closed.... NEC Contd.

Lost Boy

Lost Boy

Lifetime VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 204 4 motion
Given the NEC thread has been closed.... perhaps as we seem to dare asking a question no doubt....
Whilst i understand we as forum members don't need to know every detail about history, perhaps for those of us relatively new members, it would be good to understand why our post are censored for one word? I for one think their forum is pants, their shop however and their product development is great for all Cali owners.

I was at the NEC yesterday and there was a Marco Polo on the MB stand...I sat in it and very nice it was too. I understand it had been out on loan for the few days before (which seems like an oversight). I think the quality is excellent and some neat touches that VW could learn a thing or to from, that said the blinds were rubbish they stand about 2 cm off the windows and don't go to the edges, the roof is manual, its expensive and it doesnt fit in a standard garage so its not for me. Oh and as is usual for MB staff they just ignore you.

On balance I prefer my Cali...but its a worthy competitor and hopefully it will ensure that VW continue to raise their game.
Think you need to define a standard garage! I have a double garage and the Cali won't fit in.
Roof is manual? Not in the couple we’ve looked at - they were electric?

Or do you mean the bed isn’t on gas struts and has to be clipped up when the roof is up?

We agree, the blinds did look a bit rubbish. You’d have thought Westfalia would have sorted that out (unless they are more MB design not WF)?

As for the other forum censoring stuff - I was the one who wrote the post on the the other thread that was censored and i really couldn’t care less.

I know what I wrote, didn’t realise it was forbidden on here. Fair enough, whatever.

Totally not bothered and can’t believe it’s caused such a discussion.
Think you need to define a standard garage! I have a double garage and the Cali won't fit in.

Interesting! We have a double garage and we tried the hire one in ours (t6 ocean with standard awning) and had 10cm roof space clear.

We have a roller door - do you have something else?
Think you need to define a standard garage! I have a double garage and the Cali won't fit in.

Sorry, I know not all garages are the same, but in most modern houses (since 2000) you can bet on a garage being over 2m wide (door) and usually just ovr 2m tall (door), length varies but is usually 5.5m. I have 2 houses the Cali will go in one but not the other the only difference is has a roller shutter door and that eats into the headroom!

The comment on standard garage I picked up from a VW dealer as I was originally told thats why VW use the SWB rather than the LWB as a chassis. Could be dodgy information obviously!
Roof is manual? Not in the couple we’ve looked at - they were electric?

Or do you mean the bed isn’t on gas struts and has to be clipped up when the roof is up?

We agree, the blinds did look a bit rubbish. You’d have thought Westfalia would have sorted that out (unless they are more MB design not WF)?

As for the other forum censoring stuff - I was the one who wrote the post on the the other thread that was censored and i really couldn’t care less.

I know what I wrote, didn’t realise it was forbidden on here. Fair enough, whatever.

Totally not bothered and can’t believe it’s caused such a discussion.
Might be wrong but I think the one at the NEC had a manual roof, that said with no staff available to ask, I might have been mistaken.

As for the censoring stuff, whilst I get its no big deal, it just seems a shame that we can't openly discuss all things Cali and potentially are being censored for something we don't understand...or isn't in the forum rules?
Standard up and over. I would have to go to an after market door like you have.
This is my third 'modern/new' house the oldest being built in 2002. Two of them where single garages and width wise a Cali wouldn't fit in. I think your VW salesman was being a bit tongue in cheek ; being kind to him/her.
We had our new roller door fitted a few years ago as our old one was on it’s last legs. It was a cantilever style and no way would it have gone in with that there.

I must admit i was surprised how it went in, I thought it would be v tight.
Standard up and over. I would have to go to an after market door like you have.
This is my third 'modern/new' house the oldest being built in 2002. Two of them where single garages and width wise a Cali wouldn't fit in. I think your VW salesman was being a bit tongue in cheek ; being kind to him/her.
Even with mirrors folded?
I should also say that a Cali is 2.283 wide, quite a bit wider than 2 mtr.
I'm envious you can get in.
My wife is a planning officer and the new standard to be classed as a formal parking space is 3m x 6m interior space. Ie if you have a 3 bed house needing 2 spaces, that can be one car in the garage and one on a drive of that size too.

This is leicestershire, other areas may be different of course
I should also say that a Cali is 2.283 wide, quite a bit wider than 2 mtr.
I'm envious you can get in.
Agreed...but you can fold the mirrors so its less, without mirrirs its 1.904m so I guess maybe just over 2 or 2.1 with them folded? i must admit its a very tight squeeze and I can only get out through the sliding door ;)
Even with mirrors folded it's over 2.1mtr, I have measured, I'm sure somebody will come back with a better figure. I followed my son on his motorbike whilst in France in September and he had his motorbike satnav set to fun ride or some such thing!! When I got to the railway bridge it stated 2.2mtr. I stopped and we both measured bridge and Cali, worked out I had about 25 to 50mm clearance max either side with mirrors folded. I didn't feel confident about going through so chickened out.
Width inside the garage is not the problem, it's getting in and then having to do as 'Lost Boy' to get out. The beauty of a Cali.
All Marco polos have electric roofs - it is just the bed that needs putting up and down manually
In fact it’s hard to find anything on the mp that is not electric, which has both advantages as well as disadvantages
I’ve just ordered one but think I will be waiting for quite sometime - I’ve just got to stop myself from buying lots of goodies for it before it’s delivered to me!
Did anyone see the 2 person Isobella Moment 180 North tent at the show? Probably the coolest product at the show and it looked real classy and retro.
My 80s house has a terrible driveway. The drive will barely fit a modern car, small ones you can just about get out of the door if youre lucky. My T25 on it (folding mirrors in and driving very carefully) as long as I use the sliding door to exit. My T5 will not fit on at all, the mirrors don't fold back far enough. We are pondering extending the house into ths space because frankly its pretty useless as it was intended.

Getting a car in our garage is literally impossible too unless its a G whiz or whatever its called because the clever builders off set it slightly to the house. Genius.
Width inside the garage is not the problem, it's getting in and then having to do as 'Lost Boy' to get out. The beauty of a Cali.

Finally got to measure the inside dimensions of the door allowing for the up and over arms, its 218cm and the Cali goes in with mirrors folded. I have caught one of them once but as long as I'm straight it goes in easily every time now...just!

VW California Club
